Time To Let It Go pt. 2


When I was younger, I stopped by a gas station & was approached by an older gentleman & he asked for some change. I told him let me take care of my purchase first & he was more than welcome to have the change. While navigating the aisles of the store, I realized they did not have a particular item that I was in search for. In that instant, I too, was looking for change. I had to change my mind & find a secondary item. While playing snack scavenger hunt, I ran across a box of Cracker Jacks. I entertained childhood memories of this treat & quickly came to grips that I had outgrown this & no longer wanted to consume such poison. I eventually made my selection and departed from the store. I was immediately met by OG (older gentleman) & he reminded me that I had some change for him. He smiled, not at the change, but because I kept my word!

OG & I shook hands & exchanged possession of the change. He looked me in my eyes and said, “Sir, I now have some change for you!” My grandmother assisted in raising me & I learned at a uber young age to respect all elders & their wise words. The change he had for me was’ IF YOU CANT CHANGE YOUR FRIENDS, CHANGE YOUR FRIENDS!”

The point of life is to grow & flourish into someone better than you were the previous calendar day. Growth is much more than a physical upgrade. Expanding your mind & soul via prayer, reading self help articles or taking a course to sharpen a craft is also a way to progress in life. A lot of times this means we end up outgrowing friends. The shoes we spoke of in part 1 is the perfect paradigm for friends. We rock them while they fit & once they began to hurt us, we let me go & find another pair that is fit for a King or Queen.

Just because you outgrow a friend or family member doesn’t mean you are better than them. It simply means you have taken a different route to achieve a more desirable destination. The only we are on this planet, our allergies & tastebuds change. We acquire alternate tastes in life opposed to the previous tastes that have grown bland. But stay on your toes community. When we steer off into smoother roads, the ones we leave behind will try to pot-hole you by saying things like “ The money made him change his route!” Change isn’t only beneficial at a snack machine. Change is healthy & should be well welcomed. During our lives we change jobs, change batteries & change our mind. Don’t get wrapped in attempting to change people; but focus on changing certain aspects of a person to assist them in achieving better energy in their Kingdom or Queendom. If you notice you are wasting time & energy in trying to change your friends, maybe its time to CHANGE OUR FRIENDS!

Peace Community!


The Hidden Father


Time To Let It Go pt. 1