Time To Let It Go pt. 1


Sometimes you gotta let it go! One of the looniest things we do in life; in my option, is pay for storage space. We shell out hundreds of dollars per month to house miscellaneous items that most would deem as mere junk. It could be furniture that no longer compliments a new home decor or articles of clothing that have either shrunk or we have out grown. Your favorite pair of shoes are also kept there. That same pair of shoes that fit so perfect back in the day but will hurt your feet today. Hurt is a sign of pain & pain is our body’s natural notification that something is wrong. It’s lunacy to hold on to something that will cause you discomfort in the end. So lets explore why our community find it so hard to let it go!

Old emotions from previous relationships are the first thing we try want to neatly stack in storage. Holding on to old letters or even cyber stalking their social media is an uber unhealthy why to deal with parting from a spouse or companion. It only pains you to see celebratory social media posts when they put their new car, house or relationship on display. Its total malice to be saddened by another’s upgrade. Stop trying to make sure the new flame is a demotion because your face will always be in your lap once you see the new relationship was an upgrade.

Its natural to want to hold on to junk & baggage but the leader in is should be strong enough to lift the negative baggage of life & drop it off a cliff. A flourishing way to start this process is to use this filtration system. Separate all the diseased baggage away from the luggage that heathy or the baggage that is salvage worthy. Once we have determined what remains & what needs to scat, we can haul it all out at one time and drop a match on it. Just like the rejuvenating bliss we achieve from burning incenses, setting aflame unwanted emotions will give you that same satisfaction.

Please understand that Emotions are invisible products that are unable to break bones but can tear the foundation of your soul asunder. It is hard enough sweeping up the pieces of a broken heart ❤️‍🩹 but imagine puzzle piecing the nutrients of your soul back to a whole. Prayer is needed. Meditation is needing! A lot of me-time & soul searching is what you MUST take by the horns & control this rigid ride in the direction we want it to go. And the end of the day, we as leaders and protectors but speak our minds on some emotions & keep quiet on others. Keep in mind that sometimes silence is a POWERFUL voice. Once you defeat the demons that are draining your self mastery, you will be able to go to your storage, turn in the keys & begin to let it all go!


Time To Let It Go pt. 2


The Power of The Word Black