Jason Mays Jason Mays

When Words Fail: Navigating the Loss of Creativity After Losing My Mother

My love for music & writing was gifted to me from my mother. Being from the era where kids were to be seen, not heard; writing became the only avenue of expression. My creations started off as thoughts. Those thoughts then manifested down my pencil til it bottlenecked on the city limits of my paper. I loved it all. Poetry, rhymes, short stories. It did not matter; as long as ink was oozing on the tablet.

Up until the day my mom took sick, she loved her spiral tables. She would send me or my sister to the grocery store & at the bottom of each list there was

  • Crossword book

  • Tablet

As she sat in front of her TV, she would jot down bible scriptures, doodle a bit and just simply enjoying the art of writing. My mother loved me & despite being a single parent of 4 young children, she put a lot of energy into keeping us engaged in our education. One Christmas I was told to open a medium sized gift that was under our artificial tree that was labeled to me. After neatly destroying the wrapping paper, I discovered that somehow, my mom got me a typewriter. This was no ordinary typewriter. It was accompanied with a special ink ribbon that had an erase feature! 🥰 It was the gift I always wanted that I never knew I wanted. I may have been around 13 at the time (1990) . That typewriter singlehandedly fed my creative and tech addictions.

Typing on those key gave me a higher dimension of creativity while giving me satisfying clickity feedback. I was able to visit so many places that a greyhound bus ticket could not take me. I could build stories that were taller than any skyscraper. I crafted a poem called “The Seed”. It was about a lonely un-popped kernel that was unwanted by everyone and remained at the bottom of the bag while the fluffy popcorn was sough after. I shared my poem with my English teacher & she told me there was no way I wrote that. Her name was Julie Hines if you want to cancel her 🤣.

I also wrote my first short story. I don’t recall the title but when I close my eyes, I can see the script typed out on the right side of my brain. I, again, shared my story with a friend & was that my story was too controversial & wouldn’t sell. I say all of this to say that with the right tool, the perfect environment and a creativity level bigger than life, you can compose anything. Do not let anyone narrate your stories! The sky is not your limit; but another destination.

In Her Final Days

Carolyn P. Mays 

Going to the hospital to visit my mother in late 2021 and early 2022 was an obstacle. COVID was wrecking havoc all over the world so hospital visitations were limited to 1 visitor per day. On top of that, you were NOT able to re-enter the building if you forgot something in the car or wanted to step away for lunch. My sister and I would alternate days. I would take my MacBook Pro 💻 and blog away while she slept. I recall her waking up & asking me why I wasn’t at work. I can hear her4 voice now. “Boy go to work. I’ll be ok!”

Blogging became more of a challenge than an outlet for me. My creativity was on life support & its pulse was decreasing. I used to feel free; like a bird that was not afraid of falling, while I was writing. Then it became forced. My therapeutic writing style became a chore. My focus & drive was deteriorating as my watched my mom slowly transition. And when that faithful day arose, my creativity died with my mother. Her heartbeat stopped at the same time my pen ran out of ink. My mom gave me my love for writing & it felts as if she took part of it when she left.

Its Been 2 & 1/2 Years

I was today years old when it hit me. Yes, my mom took a huge part of me when she left. I was so focused on what I did not have that I neglected the huge gift that she gave me. Carolyn P Mays so a huge portion of me in order for her to make room for new ideas, gifts and and creative avenues of jotting my newly gained life experiences. And old experienced pen can only say so much before it runs out of ink. My mother gave me a new pen, a new born creativeness & a more mature way of captivating my audience. She may have left with something but she left me with something. When someone departs from this world, they carry with them the old gifts of memories and lessons, clearing space for new treasures to bloom in the hearts of those they leave behind.

I love you mama. Thank you for hardwiring writing & music into the essence of my soul. I can see clearly now that its time for me to pick up a new pen and craft new adventures & use my creative voice to feed the addiction of millions.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Sugar is 100% Pure Evil

Beautiful Sugar Diamonds

Sugar needs to introduction. Sugar is a crystalized or powdered substance used as a sweetener. Sugar has gone so far to be come a term of endorsement. It can be found in almost every household kitchen. Not only that, it can be found ion almost every other item in the kitchen. It’s been added to everyday household items like milk, bread, ketchup, mayo, salad dressing, processed meats & even your healthy breakfast cereal. But why is this stuff everywhere?

Sugar consumption poses several dangers to our health and well-being. Firstly, excessive sugar intake can lead to weight gain and obesity, increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular issues. Secondly, sugar negatively affects dental health, leading to tooth decay and cavities. Lastly, consuming too much sugar can cause a sharp rise and subsequent crash in blood sugar levels, resulting in fatigue, mood swings, and decreased energy.

Avoiding The Sugar Monster

To avoid the harmful effects of sugar, it is crucial to limit the consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods. Choosing whole, natural foods like fruits and vegetables can provide a healthier alternative to satisfy our sweet cravings. Additionally, reading food labels can help us identify hidden sources of sugar and make informed choices. Lastly, replacing sugary beverages with water or unsweetened tea can significantly reduce sugar intake and contribute to overall health and well-being.

Breaking Free: Embracing a Healthier Journey without Sugar
In a society where sweetness seems to be celebrated, it's crucial for black Americans to reevaluate their relationship with sugar. As we embark on a quest for healthier lives, we must recognize the immense impact of sugar consumption on our overall well-being.
While it may be tempting to indulge in sugary treats, it's essential to understand the detrimental effects they can have on our health. Studies have shown that excessive sugar intake can contribute to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer, posing a significant threat to our community's well-being.

By taking charge of our dietary habits, we can empower ourselves to break free from the grip of sugar addiction. It starts with a simple decision to prioritize our health. By gradually reducing our sugar intake, we open the doors to a wealth of benefits – increased energy levels, healthier weight management, improved mental clarity, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
Focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods serves as the cornerstone of this transformative journey. Embracing a diet rich in colorful fruits, vibrant vegetables, lean proteins, and wholesome grains allows us to rediscover the natural flavors of these foods without relying on the empty sweetness of sugar.

But breaking free from sugar doesn't mean a life devoid of deliciousness. Black Americans can reclaim their cultural heritage by incorporating traditional and contemporary recipes that reduce or replace added sugars. Rediscovering the natural sweetness found in fruits or using alternative sweeteners like stevia or agave allows us to enjoy our favorite dishes without compromising our health.
Moreover, it's crucial to emphasize the role of education within our communities. Equipping ourselves with knowledge about sugar's impact on our well-being empowers us to make informed decisions and inspires others to join us on this transformative journey. By providing accessible resources, hosting cooking classes, or sharing personal narratives, we can foster a culture of health and wellness within our communities.

Ultimately, prioritizing our health and reducing sugar consumption is not just an individual endeavor, but a collective movement towards a brighter future. By taking small but meaningful steps towards a healthier lifestyle, black Americans can lead by example, inspiring others to break free from the shackles of sugar addiction and embrace a brighter, healthier future for all. Together, we can empower our communities to unlock the full potential of our lives, nourishing our bodies, minds, and spirits on this incredible journey towards optimal well-being.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Introducing Fitness Over 40: Prioritizing Health and Wellness in the Black American Community

Posted by iLL

Hello iLL Community, and welcome to Fitness Over 40 – a YouTube channel dedicated to promoting health, wellness, and fitness among black Americans. I am incredibly excited to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share the mission behind this new venture. As a fitness enthusiast and a member of the black community, I firmly believe that it's crucial for us to prioritize dieting, health, and fitness for the betterment of our lives. Join me on this journey as we strive to make a difference together!

Why Focus on Black Americans Specifically?

Historically, black Americans have faced numerous health disparities, including higher rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. These troubling statistics underscore the urgent need to address and rectify this situation. It is imperative that we, as a community, start taking matters into our own hands by adopting healthier lifestyles and embracing the benefits of regular exercise and balanced nutrition.

The Importance of Dieting, Health, and Fitness

1. Empowering Ourselves - By making positive changes in our diet and exercise habits, we empower ourselves and take control of our health. When we prioritize wellness, we not only improve our physical health but also boost our mental and emotional well-being.
2. Setting an Example - Our actions have a profound impact on future generations. By prioritizing dieting, health, and fitness, we become role models for our children, teaching them the value of self-care and inspiring them to lead healthier lives themselves.
3. Overcoming Historical Challenges - By acknowledging past injustices and disparities in healthcare, we can use our determination to overcome them. When we embrace fitness and wellness, we break free from the limitations that systemic issues may have imposed, giving ourselves the chance to enjoy a fulfilling and vibrant life.

Discover the Fitness Over 40 YouTube Channel

Fitness Over 40

Now that you know why we're embarking on this fitness journey together, it's time for you to dive deeper into the world of Fitness Over 40. On our YouTube channel, you'll find an array of engaging and informative content tailored specifically for black Americans seeking to improve their health and well-being.
From workout routines and nutritional tips to motivational speeches and success stories, our content is designed to inspire, educate, and motivate you along your fitness journey, regardless of your current fitness level. We firmly believe that it's never too late to make positive changes and achieve your wellness goals.

Watch Our Introductory Video To Learn More

Without further ado, I invite you to watch our captivating introductory video to get a glimpse of what Fitness Over 40 is all about. In this video, I share my personal journey and the inspiration behind creating this platform.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post and learn about Fitness Over 40. I am thrilled to have you join our community and embark on this transformative journey towards better health and wellness. Together, let's empower ourselves, inspire future generations, and overcome the challenges that hinder our well-being.
Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel, hit the notification bell, and join our mailing list to never miss an update! Stay tuned for regular content, including workout routines, nutritional advice, motivational speeches, and success stories shared by others in our community.
Let's rewrite the narrative on health and fitness in the black American community – starting today!
Until next time,
🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community.

Note: To watch the embedded video mentioned in this blog post, please scroll down to the bottom of the page.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Attention Black Content Creators…

A gourmet chef will always give you a sample but NEVER his recipe. I’ve noticed a new TikTok trend where the recipes of Black creators is being stolen, replicated & somehow this whitewashed material that lacks seasoning & soul reaches a deeper audience. Folks will argue that a system can not be racist but a person who programs an algorithm can. Do me a favor & complete your due diligence & protect your digital artwork. It could be a dance, a skit or whatever! Don’t let someone with less talent steal your recipe just to repackage it & eat off your ideas.

Where To Begin?

Creating content can be pricy but do not get too concerned with the price of equipment but focus on the quality of your creativity. You can literally buy a $50 android phone that’s 10 years old & a $20 microphone to capture decent audio & create some amazing content. Most phone are 4K capture capable but don’t entertain the 4K hype too much because most of your audience won’t have a screen to enjoy the enchanted visuals. Furthermore, 4K material have larger file sizes. This means longer upload times. The tradeoff isn’t worth it because the little bit of extra details doesn’t constitute the times to publish it.

Refine The Raw Footage!

Depending on your smartphone, you may be able to edit on the fly without the need for a computer or tablet. Call me old school but in my expect, editing from a computer offers more options & an unmatchable level of creativity. Editing on a 7” screen is doable but refining your content on a 15” laptop or a 30” monitor separates an enthusiast from serious creator. If you decide to purchase a new computer or laptop, I suggest investing in an M1 Mac instead of buying a Windows machine. Buying from gives you so much power & free programs that Windows charges you for.

Serve Your Audience!

Now that everything is editing to your satisfaction, you have to upload it to somewhere. YouTube or Facebook are examples of sites that will host your material for free. There are pros & cons to using a no cost platform so depending on your level of seriousness & the amount you are able to invest, I would look into getting your own domain to share your work. Sites like Squarespace offers a host of different features at a fair price.

In Closing…

There’s money to be made out there so put your heart int your digital assets & eat off it. We have to put a stop enemies sucking us dry of our talents & creativity & capitalizing off our God-given gifts.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Welcome to 2023

Happy New Year to my iLL family. I pray that you are a better person today than you were yesterday.First & foremost, I want to apology for a lack of content in 2022. I lost my mother just 7 days into that year & I lost my drive & motivation to carry on. My writer’s block was converted into a lack of interested for my writing, content creating & my photography. I’m sure you understand my need to take a step back & reevaluate a few things.

I have a lot of big things lined up for this year. I have all the equipment, talent & knowhow to bring you content that will peak your interest. I just need to refuel my drive & hopefully find a few extra hands to assist me with the interviews & videos I’m planing this year. For those who are new here, we cover all topics that will benefit our Black Community. Feel free to indulge in a few of my posts from the past. Also, spread the word & ask your friends & family members to join our monthly mailing list.

I pray 2023 bring our people better health, an increase in finances & strength to keep pushing towards Black excellence.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Weights or Wings

One of my favorite quotes is, “ If you can not change your friends; change your friends.” Everything in life comes to a fork in the road & some sort of decisions has to be made. Wether it’s paper or plastic or deciding to continue what is for dinner will be a simple decision. But some of these forks in the road will come with more complex choices. The removal of self from a toxic friendship is one of the more difficult choices we have to make in life. People outgrow each other so it’s very common to drift away from someone you may know as a friend.

When you are a great friend to someone, 1 of 2 things will happen. That “friend” will either appreciate you or take advance of you. While determining what card they have up their sleeve, you too will have a decision placed upon you. 2 things people off you in life will either be weights or wings.

Adding weight will postpone your flight & cease you from soaring to new heights. Weight comes in the form of stress, drama, disloyalty, lies and etc. When a friend adds wings, they free you from all shackles & assist you in gliding to your highest possible level.

When Weight Is Applied

Life gives us our own baggage to carry but when we are forced to carry unwanted luggage, it always comes at a cost. The airlines are infamous for letting you know that carrying unnecessary luggage comes at a cost. A real friend would never apply unwarranted pounds on your back knowing you are trying to free your self from every day stress, pain and suffering. Surround yourself around people who keep you sane & help keep the mass light. Jealousy & envy were weights that were applied to Shanquella Robinson by “friends” & she paid those fees with her life.

When Wings Are Applied

But when wings are applied, you are able to freely flight to new heights. Everything from a bird’s eye view is obtainable & can easily be in your grasp. Birds of a feather flock together. If your friends are NOT enabling you to reach your potation & are not up in the sky with you, then a reevaluation should be prescribed & leaving the flock is ideal.

Nas said it best when he said a caterpillar could never imagine what an eagle envisions. So if your immediate circle isn’t offering you wings to take you to new & amazing places, then they can only offer you weights to keep you stagnated. You can never reach new nights in that circle.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

An Authorized Credit Hack!

A lot of the credit lessons that we learn in our community tends to happen after we have been declined for a card. It’s impossible to be approved for a line of credit when you have little to no credit. I was baffled when I was told that bad credit is better than no credit. But how are you suppose to acquire a credit card when you have no credit? It took me enrolling to college & applying for cards at a career event. I was instantly approved for 3 cards. The down side was I didn’t fully understand how credit cards worked & the cards I was approved for had very low credit limits & extremely high APR’s.

My mother did not know about credit cards & wasn’t able to provide me lessons on how to preserve my credit. I was out aimlessly swiping my heart away not knowing the damages I was doing to my financial footprint.

Let Me Let You In On A Little Secret

Imagine your 18 yr old applying for a line of credit fresh out of high school & being blessed with a 750 fica score with no effort. In my opinion, the is one of the GREATEST gift you could give your child. This is truly a key to open up financial doors that were not available to us. The advantages of adding an offspring as an authorized user is endless. With this power, they are able to purchase a vehicle with a lower interest rate or have higher chances of being approved for a business loan. With minimal effort, you can add your children as an authorized user to any credit card account that is in good standing.

Simply log into your account & look for the option. Once you have them added, a card with their name will show up in your mailbox. I find it a best practice to just dispose of the card to prevent it from ending up in the wrong hands. All you have to do is just continue being a responsible card user. You can add a child as soon as they get a social security number so at any age, they can start building credit.

If you need more detailed information, I’ve added a video below from Water Your Soil. He’s a YouTuber who speaks of setting your kids up for success.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

3 Steps To Cope With Death

The further we journey down the street of life, we discover that we have more deceased friends & relatives than we have alive. Just this year alone, I've met more people who will be spending the holiday season celebrating the fallen opposed to celebrating the holiday. Holidays come & go but once we lose a loved one, they are gone forever. It can be overwhelming attempting to observe a holiday if you are not able to channel your emotions into a place of peace. Here are 3 ways to help you cope with mourning a loved one during the holiday season.

Do As They Would Do

One way to cope with the loss of a loved one is to do as they would do. Try listening to their favorite song or crafting up their favorite food. Wear attire that they would be wearing this time of the year or partaking in an activity that they loved. A lot of people believe that occupying themselves to keep someone off their mind is a healthy approach but it's more therapeutic to keep your special person fresh on your mind & not bottled up. Honoring them by doing the things they would be doing is an awesome & beneficial approach to coping.

Reach Out To Them

Coping mechanism #2 is to reach out to your deceased loved one. Talk to them before you meditate or writing a letter to them is great way to un-bottle emotions. Balloon release ceremonies allow healing individuals attach last word letters to a balloon & whoo-saw as they let it all go. Mediating is the most effective way to clear your mind & listen for a response. Everyone on the planet holds on to words they wish they would have said & releasing these words will brighten your mood.

Happy Thoughts

Remember when we did so & so? Keep all of your happy moments of a loved one on deck. Busying yourself to keep people off your mind is a terrible approach. Sit back, close your eyes & remember things that your loved one did to make you smile. Reminisce fun stories & breathtaking moments will construct never-ending joy that will warm the heart.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community.

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

The Irreversable Results of Swirling

Racial Insensitivity!

One of my favorite memes is of the crying Michael Jordan face placed on an office worker claiming to have lied in his interview about knowing how to fully use Excel. When you pour lies into your resume, its similar to swirling multiple colors of sand into a single canister because if you change your mind, its IMPOSSIBLE to separate. Ok, that may not be the best example because once your new employer realizes that you are not fluent in Excel, you will be terminated but will have a new canister to start from scratch. Mixing lies with your work knowledge doesn’t result in a loss of life… but I know what type of swirling can.

The level of suicides during this global pandemic has been cringe-worthy. A simple Google search will reveal an influx of Blacks being hung & been deemed as suicides with little to no investigation. If I recollect correctly, there were 4 hanging within a week & they all were classified as self inflicted suicide. Anytime a Black American dies, their death is always justified & the victims have always “gotten what they deserve” . It’s never foul play; especially when the victim is murdered by someone of non color.

Queen Asia Maynard

Queen Asia Maynard Died Feb. 19, 2022

Our Queens are literally the least valued creatures on this planet. It pains me our Queens feel dating outside of their race is a better option. Disclaimer: I’m not debating anyones rights to cross interracial lines, I’m just here to bring awareness to an increase of deaths while doing so. A lot of folks will deflect my views by saying that Black men kill more Black woman than white men do. Because of how crimes work, this may be somewhat true. But when a Black man takes the life of one of our Queens, he’s investigated fully & will indeed serve time. With these new crimes of white men luring our Queens to their deaths via dating apps, murdering them in the most heinous of ways & end up walking away scott free. Tyron will spend the rest of his days in jail but Isiah Crown’s rarely even see a day in court.

I’m not going to dig too deep into the story of Queen Maynard. I will say that theses no way a healthy 29yr old mother of will that had no preexisting conditions can possibly die of natural causes after one date with a white guy. The spit to the face was how police knew our Queen was dead & never told her family when they called & reported her missing. On top of that, the murderous white man wasn’t even questioned or investigate. Google our Queen’s name or click one of the hyperlinks here if you need more detailed references of the story. Isiah Crown has been reported to have murdered other women but on one views him as a person of interest. I won’t dig being the surface yet. I want to state my argument that when our queens are murdered, limited effort & resources are spent while investigating. Not giving our community the same focus & energy that Gabby Petito received is racial insensitivity.

Queen Lauren Smith-Fields

Lauren Smith-Fields is another unfortunate case of swirling gone wrong. The racial insensitivity is jawdropping. Lauren went on a date with a white guy by the name of Matthew LaFountain. They connected on the Bumble dating app & agreed to meet IRL for a nice night on the town. Afterwards, the 2 returned to Lauren’s residence where they dozed off. The following morning LaFountain awoke to a non responsive Fields. He called 9-11 & her death was ruled an accident. Fields was merely 23 years old & was deemed healthy by family & friends. The investigators quickly determined Fields died of an alcohol, an unnamed prescription drug & fentanyl overdose. The case was closed & LaFountain was never questioned questioned on any role he may have had on her death. The department carelessly mishandled evidence & Queen Lauren never got justice.

Queen Brenda Lee Rawls

The Beautiful Brenda Lee Rawls @ Age 53

In the same city of Bridgeport, Connecticut & on the same night of the murder of Lauren Smith Fields, a 2nd case of racial insensitivity reared its ugly head. Another Queen died in the same fashion & she always received the same limited attention & investigating as the last Queen. Brenda Lee Rawls also went to see a man who lived near. I was unable to find any information on the gentleman so I can’t tie Ms Rawls’s case into the swirling but this is the perfect example of racial insensitivity. She was found dead in her apartment on 12-12-21 & her death was swiftly ruled as natural causes. Sisters of Rawls always stayed in close contact with her & reg flags went off when the sister never got a response from their beautiful sibling.

Brdgeport law enforcement NEVER notified the family. It was only when they went looking for answers when they were met with the devastating news. This truly raises an eyebrow for me & makes me question how many Queens have we really lost to foul play & no one cared enough for their Black lives to properly investigate & give our Queens the respect & justice they deserve.

Dear Kings

As protectors of our communities, we have to do a better job as a collective at showing our Queens the value of dating within our race. Treat them as the Queens that they are. Guide them if they go astray. Assist them in self healing while showing them that we genuinely care for their souls. Honoring & cherishing our women will kill any desire to peep over the fence & wonder if those greener pastures of artificial grass offers a better quality of man. Nowhere is my passage am I condemning swirling or getting to know other cultures & races. This keeps an open mind & could be a great learning experience. I just vehemently ask that IF you do decide to play the game, you will NOT get the Gabby treatment. SO just please be careful. As a collective, we all NEED our beautiful Black women to show us the power of Black Love.

I will end this by posted an interview with Asia’s siblings.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Banking While Black

Joe Morrow

Being that America LOVES to say that Black folks are lazy & don’t want to work, it’s a mere slap to the face when doing something as cashing a paycheck becomes a crime. Joe Morrow worked his job all week & went to cash his check like all Americans do. Who knew that such a normal process like cashing a check after a long day at work could land you in cuffs. And with every camera in the bank & tons of cop cam footage, the police reports still conflicted with what was shown on camera. Its going to be a crime to breath while Black!

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Any Action Verb + While Black = A Crime

I see we are at it again. The 14% of the US population is still committing 50% of the crimes. In my blog post Sadistic Statistic , I touched on how such a small portion of the population is conducting a majority of the crimes. Everything seems to be a crime if you are doing it while Black. Walking while Black, driving while Black, banking while Black & once again cycling while Black. Take any basic action & add the words “While Black” & you instantly have a committed a crime.

Little boys were always taught to never put hands on a female. That has always been a rule but somehow these grown ass “men” seem to have forgotten. Its always disturbing when we see paid public officials masterminding policy misconduct, abuse of force & straight up assault. So what if this child was “speeding” on an unlicensed mini bike. White kids from suburbia freely ride these toys without being harassed so why is it a crime when a Black child rides on? IF her speeding was a safety concern to the cops, her safely sure went out the window when they slammed & choked her. There isn’t a word on this planet that could upset a grown man to the point where he felt the needs to assault & traumatize a child. I have literally seen armed murderers give treated with more respect & delicacy than the victim in this video. Please take a look at the news article & let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

The Innate Instinct To Protect

The media is at it again. They took an image of a positive incident & captioned it appear as if a Black man shot a got for no reason. They love depicting Black men as thugs & not the responsible, protecting gun owners that most of us are. These 2 dogs were mauling an autistic Black child & this king sprang into action & laid the dog down & saved this kid. I’m sure there are a lot of dog lovers of non color who feel the dog should not have had its brains blown out but here is what the world fails to realize. When something harms our youth, that Black mama bear or papa bear will instantly show up & neutralize any threat.

The caption should have read, “Black responsible gun owner saves innocent child from vicious dogs!” Check out the video below for more details on this heroic event. The content as been listed as age restricted so the link will take you to Youtube.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

In Business While Black

This year I would like to cancel Black history month. Every year we hear the same stories of heroes from our past & the amazing things we have accomplished. I want to do things different this February. I would like to take all that Black history month energy & direct it to fueling our Black future. If you are unaware of your history, a quick google search or a trip to a local library will answer any question that you may have. I know we can not predict our future but we can steer our present into the traffic flow of a more successful & sustainable future by supporting a Black Owned Business. (BOB)


Society will tell you to steer clear of BOB’s because of poor customer service, attitude & a lack structure. Its irresponsible to spread this notion! Everyone benefits from supporting a BOB. Customer will receive faster shipping, larger portions & better prices due to less overhead. Just do not shop there expecting a “kin folk discount” knowing you would spend double the amount with a white establish without questioning or batting an eye. Business owners also win because serving new customers grows business, confidence of course generates more revenue.


Shame on you if you can count on 1 hand how many BOB’s you supported in 2021. So many Black owned companies offer some of the best goods & services available. By following this formulate, we can nurture businesses in our communities & sprout new ones. Take the number of BOB’s you supported last year & multiply that by 3. Then multiply that number by 3 in 2023.

I have supported a nice Black owned online gift shop that sold the cutest nicknacks & Black owned companies that sold chemical free soaps that were great for keeping melanin healthy. I plan on supporting 12 Black owned businesses this year in hope of keeping our hard earned dollars in our communities & creating a massive chain reaction of others following suit.

If you have a BOB or know of someone who does, PLEASE link them in the comment section. I’m dying to try new & unique business that are For Us By Us.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

The Lapdog Syndrome

Hollywood has a fascination with the lapdog syndrome. They will spend so much time & invest millions of dollars to convey to you that Black mothers are unfit & that a Sandra Bullock has to come in a save the day. Something about white couples adopting Black children doesn't sit well on my stomach. If they are looking to adopt a child & happen to end up with a Black child is one thing. But when they contact an adoption agency with the sole intent of adopting a Black child ...it truly gives me slave trade vibes. Like what do they look for in a Black child that makes them decide or reject them? I imagine the song How Much Is The Doggy In The Window going thru their head while going child to child determinin which one they will be taking home. So many questions arise like why do so many white adult look to adopt Black children & why are there not a lot of Black couples that adopt Black children? And how are so many Black children ending up in these adoption agencies?

In my popular blog post about why does so many Black women die during child birth, I touched on how a lot of our future leaders end up in adoption agencies. When a Queen loses her life giving birth, social services will more than likely place the new born with a stranger before placing it with other blood family. A very close friend of mines recently went through the ringer trying to adopt a child. Both him & his wife are Christian & both are gentle college graduates with no criminal backgrounds & the system made it near impossible for them to be awarded custody of the child they wanted to adopt from a mutual friend. The sad part was the judge was a Black female. 🤦🏾‍♂️ But this is a story for another day. Its like adoption agencies are handing over Black seedlings to white couples like halloween candy while scrutinizing Black couples.So much can go wrong & has gone wrong with these people taking in Black children & feeding their Lapdog Syndrome.

Some great advice is to NEVER acquire something that you are unable to maintain. How many times have you seen someone go for broke buying a foreign vehicle & is unable to cover expenses on maintenance? This is a similar scenario when whites adopt Black young ones. It sickens me to the core when I see a Black princess in public & her newly adopted parents have been using haircare products that was not formulated for Black hair. Or seeing these kids dressed in clothing not designed for their frames. I’ve recently seen photos online of Black boys wearing dressing & rocking bows in their hair. Black children are not lapdogs that you dress up at your leisure & parade around in public trying to role-play some slave-master fantasy. Even in the photo above, master is looking up & proud of her new puppy & the puppy dare not make eye contact with its owner!

This adopted Princess was not fed during a family outing.

The purpose of adopting a child is to give them a better life. How can you give a person a better life when they are not offered the same love & resources that others receive? The minor in the photo above looks unhappy, mistreated & not given the proper care she needs. Her white family has no idea how to care for Black hair. They even have her dressed as if she stepped out of the movie The Color Purple. The lady who noticed this heinous actives & documented this caught the backlash…not the child neglecting white parents. Just the look on her face explains how far she is from her sense of self. She has no idea what it means to be Black nor will she find it if she remains in this household. White family think that shielding their newly adopted kids from the Black experience is the ultimate benefit in creating an enriched life for them. Neglecting to give a soul the nourishment requited to flourish should be a form of 1st degree child abuse.

Just like our history was purposely hidden & destroyed, this is the same fatality these adopted kids are receiving. Being disconnected from self works as good as a television being disconnected from the power outlet. The kids go off to college & are lost. They may meet other Blacks when they go off to further their education & won’t know any thing about Black self or about Black pop culture. I ask our ancestors to watch over this princess for the entirety of her life. As lot of our future leaders were not fortunate enough to survive the grasps of lapdog syndrome.


White parents use Black adoptees as a way of showing they are NOT prejudice. Its similar to the, “I’m not racist, I have 1 Black friend!” rebuttal. A lot of white people may love their Black coworker or the little Black girl who works at Starbucks that “doesn’t act like the rest of them!” but has a strong dislike for Black folks in general. And with aid from the media, they are able to push this “I love 1 Black person so I’m not a racist” narrative. Being friends with 1 while hating an entire race indeed marks you as racist. The media circulated this photo around giving it a false sense of racism healing. The white mother intentionally dressed this child in a lapdog outfit fully equipped with accessories for a photo opportunity. This image was used to show Black people that cops are not bad people & are loving & you should not hate or fear them.One thing the media outlets did NOT do was use this photo on this poor child’s obituary.


The Colorful Hart Family

Just like buying a car, you have to be approved to adopt children. Are you able to house them & give them the space to grow? Are you able to feed & clothed them? The main objective to being an adopting parent is to remove the child from a bad situation & place them in a better suited one. The Harts, a white lesbian couple, thought it was a great idea to adopt 6 kids & drive them off a cliff. I’m pretty sure whatever situation these kids were in prior to this wasn’t as terrifying as falling to a death. People who were associates with the family stated that the kids were mistreat & were not able to do simple things around the house like laugh at the dinner table or wish each other happy birthday. Other reports from therapist & school personnel state that for punishment , the kids were not fed & repeated hit with belts until they had “oowees” on their backs stomaches. Only God knows what other brutal activities went on behind closed doors. The Harts actually pulled the kids from public schools due to being exposed and yet, no one questioned or followed up on the reported allegations. The adoption agencies should be held reliable for these deaths as well. 6 innocent children were placed with these wicked white women while well qualified Black couples get treated like criminals.

The inserted video shows exactly what these people are looking for. They love that false sense of accomplishments from taking care of something they feel is inferior. All the feeding scraps & petting Black kids like lapdogs needs to stop. I bet if an influx of Black parents wanted to adopt white kids, they would be fully investigated & turned away. Black families that are looking to adopt children should do anything in their power to adopt a prince or princess. The community members who are not looking to adopt should create Black Big Brother programs or other similar places to donate & help keep our children out of the homes of these sickos. They love to bring up the dangers of Chicago but will turn a blind eye to the organized crime connections these adoption agencies indulge in while handing over these defenseless children over to these ill intent excuse for parents. If you have any ideas on how we can limit our future leaders from becoming lapdogs, please comment below. Only our community can protect our children from these dangers of the lapdog syndrome.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Travel Tuesday: Navarre Beach

I’ve been planning this post since July but for some reason Ive been putting it off & procrastinating. Back in Junes, the week of Father’s Day, I booked an AirBnB & took a nice road trip to Pensacola FL. I’ve never taken a 9 hour trip before so I was curious of how road fatigue would come into play. I left home About 3:30am & after stopping for gas twice & one stretch break, I pulled into Pensacola about noon. I sweat I’m the biggest homebody on the planet so It was a change of pace for me to hope up & plan a spontaenous vacation. I truly had a blast & some of the views I saw were soul cleansing. Rewatching this footage of my trip while compiling this video truly reminded me of how my trip was a redefining moment for my life. Here’s the link to the episode. Navarre BeachTrip.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Their Ingredients Will Alter Your Flavor

Opening a cook book & discovering a new recipe is an exciting thing. A cook book clearly lists every ingredient needed & walks you step by step on how much of what’s needed & estimated preparation times. By following a recipe, all measurements are done for you & if properly followed, your cuisine should have a delicious flavor. Lets use a cake for an example. You add your flour, a few cups of milk, crack a few eggs for texture, sugar for taste, baking soda for volume & an ingredient to add flavor. (Chocolate powder or strawberries) Once the ingredients are together, you have a batter. You can taste the batter and add more of something until you reach your desired taste.

The Cooking Double Entendre

Lets now imagine all those cake ingredients are the values, principles & morals your parents mixed together to bake up a sweet & loving human being. We are figuratively a concoction of ingredients that our parents hand blended. Higher quality of standards typically equates to a higher quality of flavor. We are a direct representation of our wellspring so parents will go all out to ensure the recipes & ingredients they select are top tier in hopes of creating a sweet soul. We are all products of natural ingredients until outside additive & preservatives alter the great tastes our parents baked us to be. Here is a list of 3 outside ingredients or influences that changed my flavor forever.

Rodney Glen King

King with fiancée Cynthia Kelley a few months before his death

When I was 14 years old, I got my first cup of salt added to my batter. On the night of March 3rd, 1991, Rodney Glen King was pulled over by LAPD for allegedly leading them on a high speed chase. After stopping, King was savagely beaten by 4 thugs in badges & charged with felony evading. King suffered a broken right leg, a face badly swollen beyond recognition, bruises all over his body from being struck over 50 times & multiple burns from a taser. The attempted lynching of Brother King was caught on video by George Holliday & sent the video KTLA (a local news entity) One would think video evidence of a crime would be enough to convict criminals & have them throw under the jail but during the trial, they found no wrong doing on behalf of the LAPD. All 4 thugs were acquitted. Imagine the bad taste an incident of this magnitude could leave in the mouth of a naïve teenager. When the smoke cleared, King’s charges were dropped & he was awarded $3.8M in damages. For the entirety of my teen years, I couldn’t fathom how Brother King was award money if the police did no wrong? And why did the city compensate him instead of the cops who violated his human rights?

Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones

Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones

On May 16, 2010, 7 year old Sister Aiyana Stanley-Jones was fast asleep on her grandmother couch. A little after midnight, the Detroit Police Department accompanied by an A&E camera crew filming an episode of The First 48 tossed a flash grenade into the home & fired shots while conducting a no knock warrant. The 1st blunder was they raided the WRONG apartment. The DPD gain this incorrect information from a druggie informant. With all the technology that police agencies have access to, they still felt the word of a drug addict was valid.

Once officers realized they kicked in the wrong door & shot an innocent princess in her sleep, the lies surfaced. The shooting officer reported that his weapon discharged after Mertilla Jones (Sister Aiyana’s paternal grandmother) grabbed the barrel of his MP5 submachine gun. Reports from other officers & bystanders conflicted with this story for her fingerprints were NOT found on his weapon. Sister Mertilla reacted to the flash grenade that was thrown through the window & burned Sister Aiyana. Mistrial after mistrial, the case concluded with jurors finding no wrong doing in the senseless murder of this perfect Black princess. Once again, the citizen of Detroit were forced to pay $7.5M in damages caused by DPD & A&E. All of this was caught on camera & still, this was not enough evidence to draw a conviction. One of our future leaders lost her life due to negligence & in the name of A&E’s entertainment.

Tamir Elijah Rice

We can all agree that a 12 year old is still a child. 1 Corinthians 11:13 stats “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child…” Brother Tamir E. Rice was just a child; out doing what so many children. Enjoying childhood. Around 3:30pm on 11-22-14, Brother Rice was at the park playing with an Airsoft handgun. Someone from the park called 9-11 & reported a kid was pointing a gun at random park goers. The caller stated twice that the pistol could be fake but somehow that bit of information, allegedly, was not relayed to the responding officers. Within 2 seconds upon arrival, the responding officer yelled from his squad car for Rice to show his hands & 2 shots were instantly fired & struck Brother Rice in his torso.

Conflicting stories surfaced as usual. Verbiage in the police report was insultingly different from what the video footage displayed. But to add insult to injury, the media attempted to paint Brother Tamir as a villain. They never referred to him as a 12 year old child. They was asking irrelevant questions like why he playing with a toy gun & what parent buys toy guns for their kids? Little white kids are able to fully enjoy their childhood with toys guns, BB guns & even real ones. To push the envelope a bit further, you can find countless video on the internet of grown white men actually shooting at cops & magically taken into custody unscathed. So why wasn’t this kid even given a chance to comply? This was literally a drive by shooting by a thug who was deemed emotionally unfit serve & protect. And once again, police racism & recklessness cost the citizens of the city of Cleveland $6M.

The Finishing Steps Of This Recipe

As we gain knowledge & wisdom in this lifetime, we use those newly acquired gifts to make sharper, more beneficial decisions. Sometimes we have to stray away from a recipe & add our own ingredients to compensate for what the world may toss into your dish. The 3 ingredients I just shared with you are 3 items I could have done without. Stories of our brothers & sisters getting brutalized by city officials that we pay to protect us will add a lot of salt & other unnecessary spices to our batter. I have only named the 3 that hit home for mebut there have been plenty others. Brother Eric Garner. Harassed & murder by badged thugs for allegedly selling loose cigarettes. Brother Alton Sterling. Harassed & murdered for selling music compact discs out side of a convenient store. Brother Philando Castile. Harassed & murder for being a black & legal gun owner. Sister Sandra Bland.Pulled over & harassed for hurting a deputy’s feelings during a unwarranted traffic stop. When society forces these unwanted ingredients on us, we have to remain diligent & dilute them with the items our parents & ancestors handed to us. This world will try to ruin your flavor by making you salty. But in life, being less sweet & more flavorful makes the enemy uncomfortable. Never be afraid to revamp your recipe. Once your batter is properly mixed, the outcome could produce a zestier meal that you could ever imagine.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

When Blacks Enlist In A White Man’s Military

A senior’s last year in school should be an exciting time These days should be spent planning & carefully making decisions to determine which route they want to take to arrive at their definition of the American dream. Some choose the workforce & some take the collegiate route. Opting for either of these options can be a temporary choice if a student decides they would like to take a secondary preference later in life. Another “career” path that’s available is the military. But do you feel a 17 year old fresh out of high school is adult enough to make a crucial decision like this? Joining the military is equivalent to joining a gang. You can’t wake up the next day & walk away by choice. Being a young adult comes with poor decisions & making dumb mistakes. This is the very reason school are crawling with sleazy military recruiters. Its uber sickening how a recruiter can legally coerce a young mind to join a branch while only the recruiter is benefitting.

The Recruiter:

Military recruiters are just as crooked as a car salesmen. They are highly trained to manipulate young minds into throwing their life away. When I was in school, a close friend of mines was interested in joining the Marines so I rode with him while he met up with a recruiter. All this foolish recruiter did was try to woo us with how much money his bank account held & how the military was going to make him a millionaire. 🥱 Most civilians do not know that recruiters work on a performance based quota & if he misses his goal, he’s sent back to active duty. So lies & unjust practices are used to manipulate & coerce kids into signing their lives away. I willing took the ASVAB (Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery) test because my friend did but I told the recruiter guy I was NOT joining no matter how impressive my test results were. Once my ASVAB results returned, my recruiter quickly congratulated my spectacular scores & let it be know that I scored so high that I could pick any job I wanted & would NEVER see a battle field. He pretended to be so concerned about my future & said that enlisting would benefit me but in reality, my membership would only benefit himself.

Military recruiters sniff out young & poverty stricken youth & sell them a few pounds of stir fried lies. If you seem poor, money is their bait. If you want to go to college, they will use free tuition as a bait. Ive even heard a recruiter tell a young artist that if he joined the military, the armed forces would finance his entire music career. Taking advantage of young black teens should be against the law but this is what the system wants. They want our future leaders to be broken & brainwashed, fighting another brainwashed soul from another country who has done nothing to them in the name of protecting a country that has done nothing to protect them. They love weak minded individuals who will swim seas for a country who woudnt’t clean up a cup of water for you. Check out this short video on how recruiters are being exposed for their lies & deceitful practices.

Army Private LaVena Lynn Johnson

Queen L. Johnson NOT private

Queen LaVena Lynn Johnson was only a baby. At the age of 19, when most teens are enjoying their lives, Queen Johnson was openly serving a country that was secretly planning to serve her. She was found in a tent (not in her barrack) after being attacked by American military personnel. She was discovered with a broken nose, a black eye, loose teeth, burns from a corrosive chemical that was poured on her genitals to mask the evidence of rape. She also suffered a gunshot wound. All these events gained little to no media coverage while stories like this deserves national attention. She was surrounded by members of the most powerful military presence on the planet & somehow our sister was murdered & the US Government classified this grotesque murder as a suicide. Queen LaVena joined the military to better her life & fight American enemies & in return, she was America’s enemy.


I have family & friends who have made a career out of the military. If you are one of the lucky ones, the military is a nice option. But 8 out of 10 Black soldiers are not so fortunate. Take a trip into almost any US major city & you will see homeless & limbless veterans by the multitudes. Other suffer from PTSD & are so medicated that they are unable to hold steady jobs or sustain a normal civilian lifestyle. Post military isn’t the only place where we don’t get fair treatment. Most Black soldiers are often bypassed by less qualified white soldiers. Higher rank in return means a bigger paycheck to build your future. Black soldiers fall victim to racism. Stories of waking up to nooses in their bunks & other racist material being left in the name “You can’t take joke?”

Its wise to always research to discover if any career path is cut out for you. There may be a handful of benefits to enlisting but there are truckloads of reason I wouldn’t recommend it. If you have Black youths that may be toying with the idea of defending America, please talk them out of it. It’s lunacy that one would willingly put their life on the line for a country that literally put our ancestors on a line & that continuously keeping up with the same evil antics. We are losing too many Black men to the prision system & too many Black women to our healthcare system & too many youth to the adoption system. Now we are burying our Suns, Moons & Stars behind a racist & murderous military system. I’m sure if time travel was an option, Dr. John Johnson (LaVena’s Dad that served in the Army) would NOT allow LaVena to pay the ultimate sacrifice with her life. So I’ll tell my iLL Community the same thing my uncle told me.. BLACKS HAVE TO PLACE OR NO BUSINESS IN A WHITE MAN’s MILITARY!

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Here’s What I’ve Discovered

Everything in live is intertwined. While practicing financial health, you’ll discover that once you get to a healthy financial state, you smile more, you are able to take longer & more relaxing vacations which in return equates to a healthier lifestyle. We can’t run to the store & buy happiness with money but you can do happier things. Earlier this year I posted about securing a secure credit card. I basically invested in myself when I got my tax money & dropped $700 on a secured Discover Card. This card is one of the few that offers cash back. The cash back in only 1% on purchases & 2% at restaurants & fuel purchases but if you play the game, the rewards you reap are noteworthy. While that’s a sweet perk, there is a larger benefit.

I’ve been a member since March of 2021 & now (December 2021) I received my deposit back & also discovered that my credit limit increased from $700 to a whooping $2200. Now I have a decent credit limit for a guy that’s repairing my credit & also $700 to reinvest in myself. It was a breath of fresh air knowing I’m able to responsibly do more things that will increase my chances to excel in discovering better food for my soul.

Also invest in yourself. The return of investment truly an ill feeling!

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

Detrimental Advice That Will Stunt A Child’s Growth

As parents, its our duty to nurture our youth & make sure we guide them down healthy paths. I know you can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink. Being that a “Child Care For Dummies” book doesn’t exist, we have to use an al carte style of parenting. Each child has their own personality so what nurtures one offspring may not nourish the next one. Old school values are great to instill in a child but some old fashioned parenting practices should be revamped. While giving your young ones guidance, here are 3 things you should NEVER tell a child.

Children Should Be Seen & NOT Heard

Telling a child they should be seen & not heard was one of the phrases that was laid upon us. Not allowing a child to have a voice only creates communication issues. Allow your babies to respectfully tell you what they are feeling so they won’t contain bottled up anger & emotions that they will carry into relationships. I know a LOT of our Black men & women who have complications with communicating & simply conveying meaning of a discussion. Condition our future leaders to speak freely while making confident eye contact. We all have witnessed balloons when too much air builds up & goes untreated

Verbally isn’t the only way to be heard. There are a plethora of activities to assist in releasing emotions & expressing a feeling. Painting a portrait releases creative energy & delivers a message with the same clarity as verbally delivering a message. Jogging, cooking, fishing or writing are other alternative to verbally getting things off a child chest.

Remain Emotionless

This one is mainly directed towards parents who are raising boys. Its rather toxic to tell a boy that men do not cry. Crying is a child 1st form of communicating with their parents. Since infantry, weeping is used to catch attention, alert an adult that a discomfort needs to be addressed & soothe . Imagine the destructive thoughts that can sprout inside a young boy’s mind while trying to understand the world thru a child’s eyes & now he’s told to remain emotionless & its not manly to cry. This child will struggle through life dealing with negative pinned up energy & the first relationship he’s get into will most likely fail due to his inability to release his emotions. We all want our kids to be successful but we are virtually setting our babies up for failure when you condition them to be cold & emotionless.

The Construction Of Restrictions

Children are just as curious as they are innocent. It’s a beautiful thing to experience an adventurous child safely explore an area. Lets our future leaders hold & tinker with harmless household items. This builds motor skills & their willingness to explore. Continuously telling a child “NO” & “STOP” constructs restrictions & when its time for them to leave the nest, they won’t go as far in life. Its a breath taking experience watching break down barriers & doing so at a young age conditions them to continue that path. When a young being is accustomed to a certain attribute, those life lessons will be a tool for them to build a better life.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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Jason Mays Jason Mays

We Need More Warriors Soon

Amazing Art I Found On Twitter

There is no secret that there’s power in numbers. We are only 14% of American’s population so we need to find a way to increase our population & power up. Our primary concern should be to getting 100% of our 14 on code. Once we achieve that, we can then focus on growth & development. The best way to grow a fortune is to stop the bleeding of outgo which in return causes a gain & all of this can be done without increasing the income. Same as, we have too many Kings in prison, too many Queens losing their lives while giving birth & too many of our seedlings sitting in adoption agencies. The drainage once again is killing our population. But there’s another category that causes leaks in our population.

Nas Said It Best

Nasir Jones, in 2001, said it best in a song. “Hood rats, DON’T abortion your womb. We need more warriors soon sent from the Sun, Stars & The Moon.!” If you think he’s referring to flying warriors in from outer space, this blog post & this website is not for you. I know it’s her body & her choice but abortion is another method to keep our population low. In inner city areas, its almost a guaranteed to find a drug store, a liquor store & an abortion clinic on every other corner. I’m not here to debate or express my opinions on abortion. I’m simply making a point that these places saturate our communities. It’s sinister for clinic personnel to offer this type of service to a young & expecting mother knowing she’s having a hormonal internal war. When emotions are dipped in confusion & deep fried in uncertainties, this is an NOT ideal time to make life altering & irreversible decisions.

Gifts From The Universe

There are so many diseases that should’ve been cured by now. There are also plenty of real world issues that are still around that shouldn’t be. The universe blesses each soul with a talent or a gift. Some of the truly fortunate are giving extreme leadership qualities or even powers to heal…but where are these people. Our greatest leader was probably murdered in an abortion clinic before he or she even got to take their first breath. The soul who had the knowledge to cure AIDS probably never got chance to experience their first steps. I feel the uncountable number of Black Scientist, Black Doctors, Black Inventors & Engineers that the universe sent us to save us will never surface. Just close your eyes & think about all the problems we witness from day to day…then think about all the solutions that we kill off daily in clinics. As I stated earlier, I’m not passing judgement on any Queen who feels they need or want to take this course. Just keep in mind that solutions are created to kill problems but these days these problematic clinics are killing solutions.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 

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