The Power of The Word Black


You have to be a powerful individual to change an entire concept with just your presence alone. Having the strength to show up & make a definition & ideology of a word change with night & day difference is the ultimate power. I know the intro of this post has been blogged over and over like beating a dead horse. The word I’m referring to is BLACK. Ice can be a beautiful thing but add the word black to it and black ice is the deadliest form of ice. We all would love to be listed but no one wants to be Black-listed. Black mailed, Black market are a few more examples. A magician is welcomed to put on a magic show but Black magic will kill you. Going from balled to Black balled is the worse. Everything Black always has this evil connotation. Imagine the word LIE being placed at numerical zero. Add the word white & it raises the value to a positive number. But the worse thing you can do in life is tell a Black lie.

There’s this thing called love. Love is an enormous word that makes every soul smile. But what happens when you add the word Black to Love? What happens is an indescribable emotion that can not be replicated. Society will tell you that Black love is as rare as a unicorn. Never believe the fabricated tales that society tells. Black Love is as abundant & plentiful as pollen in the air on a warm Spring afternoon. Just like pollen, just because you don’t see it directly doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Step out of your own world next time you are out in public. Peel your eyes off of your phone for a few minutes and pay attention to what’s going on around you. Watch how black couples interact with each other in comparison to white couples. The Black man & woman will walk side by side. Both sides of the institution will have a smile of peace planted on their face. Even when there’s a disagreement, Black Love knows that no weapon formed can destroy it. Black love is potent yet gentle. It knows when to go on display. When its on display, the beauty & power that it possess is concrete evidence that there is a God.


Time To Let It Go pt. 1


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