The Tongue: Tool vs Weapon


In grade school we learned about the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you want others to do unto you. The secondary lesson was created in attempt to keep a kid from using a weapon they were highly inexperienced with. That weapon was the tongue. Mrs. Teacher always told us that if we do not have anything nice to say, then do NOT say anything at all. Having a sharp tongue can be a blessing & a curse. But to a child, the tongue is a fleshy organ used to taste pastries & to stick out at a peer you are not too keen of. What magnitude of damage can come from a taste tester?

At my age I can say I’ve almost seen & heard it all. Theres a “game” we just to play as kids that sharpened our weapon in the name of entertainment. We used to call it “Rank On” & the generation before us call it “The Dozen” ! The purpose of playing Rank On is to tell mean spirited joke at the expense of someone else’s physical flaws or financial situation. Despite joking about someone, the wrong words can hit hard & cut deep.

Its human to have parts of our anatomy that we wish we could change. The skinny wish they had meat on their bones. The thick wish they had less meat. Short stacks wish they could be elevated a bit. I could go on and on. I have my own less desirable parts that I wish I could snap my fingers & rid myself of. I’ve been crushed numerous times in my past from when a woman I pursued wasn’t interested in me due to my imperfections & boy does that burn right to the core.

Now as adults, we have a better sense of control when it comes to using our weapon. Mastery of your tool will lead you to places you never thought were possible. Negotiators have talked lost souls off suicide ledges. Pastors have used their tool to inspire & spread hope that tomorrow the sun will shine regardless. The power in words is such a remarkable force when used by motivational speakers. You can influence people by the masses & that energy is an unstopped force if used as a took and NOT a weapon. How many of you Kings attracted your spouse or lady friend with that ole mighty Gift of Gab? Its God sent to have such a tool that can responsibly be used at our leisure.

As Kings, its up to us to know when to pull the double edge & determine which side we should be active with. As I always say, without power comes responsibly. Use that energy wisely while remaining a paradigm; for little brown eyes are watching your every motion. Uncontrolled power of a brute is dangerous but controlled energy from a loyal King is calming. Just knowing I contain the power to cut your head off with my tongue but rather use my tool to build advice to your head is the type of celestial energy we need in our Kingdom!


The Recovery Room


Blaxic Masculinity