Blaxic Masculinity


About a week ago I toyed around with the idea of trading in my paid off 2007 Mercury Milan for something a bit newer & shinier. I wanted a small SUV but really didn’t NEED another vehicle because my 14 year old mode of transportation is very reliable. The “salesman” continued to poke fun of my trade in saying things like it looks rough and has seen better days. After realizing that the salesman was full of fluff and could not fulfill all the promises he dished out over the phone, he TRIED to push me off into a 2015 car that had almost as much mileage as my ‘07. At this point I was done because he felt it was ok to draw attention to the imperfections of my Milan but I was just suppose to sit back, accept and finance ALL the damages on his car. As you begin to familiarize yourself with me, you will learn 2 things that set me off are adolescent semantics & double standards.

There’s this new term floating around called Toxic Masculinity & it really displays a nasty double standard. Just as guns do not kill people but irresponsible people with guns do, masculinity is nowhere near toxic but some men can be. Do not blame masculinity for a handful of men’s actions. The word masculinity is defined as qualities or attributes regarded as characteristics of men. As I just stated, a man may be toxic but don’t blame it on masculinity.

Here is where the problems arise. In our community, society has tried everything in its power to keep a positive black man out of the black community. They have done this by murder, incarceration or by simply incentivizing the woman & giving her tangibles & telling her she does NOT need a man. Every community needs men to protect & provide for their women and kids but they label it TOXIC when a Blackman secures & supplies for their own. Whites, for years, have taken their young boys hunting, fishing, camping and shooting so they can grow up to keep a watchful eye on their people. But soon as a Blackman wants to teach his offspring to man up, its labeled as toxic & destructive. Please do NOT let society convince our future Kings that masculinity is poisonous & deadly. We should have the same rights and privileges as they do to confidently keep our citizenry shielded.

You will always see a double standard when you compare what goes on in our neighborhoods to what goes on on the opposite side of the tracks . Little boys of non color are able to go out & indulge in “oh boys will be boys” activities. When our boys partake in the similar actions, they are held accountable & told their actions are highly toxic. The world seems to want to sissify our boys & shame them away from being the God born protectors & providers they were created to be. Our black Princes’ are being estrogen washed to the point where in the next 5 years, we will not have anyone to preserve our women & children from harm.

Black men, its crucial that we continue to bond with our young men. Its time to take them fishing so they can feed our communities off the land. Take them to the gun range so they are molded into responsible gun owners. Teach them how to hike & camp so they can lead our families off the grid if threat arises. Onyx said “Let the Boys Be Boys” & our young men should have the same opportunities to display their masculinity. Do NOT allow civilization to shame our male youth into thinking that being a man & doing manly things are toxic. Kings do kingly things & our youth should be conditioned to be the leaders, providers and protectors that the Universe manufactured us to be.


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