The Recovery Room


After a serious, traumatic event; we are immediately wheeled to the recovery to…well to RECOVER! While in the recovery room, patients are usually under round the clock supervision. Every moment after trauma is important because any wrong decision could make or break a situation.

Not every stressful situation requires a traditional room of recovery. A recovery room could be as simple as a small corner to pray in or a bedroom to play your favorite song. In this life there are only 2 types of mistakes . Ones that you can recover from & ones you had to adjust to and live with. The first step is to realize what type of mistaking you are mustering & then proceed from there. As black men, its highly important that we own up to our mistakes big or small.

Dealing with mishaps can put a strain on your mental health. Stress is a major form of negative energy that can shred a man’s focus, drive and emotions. We have to find ways t channel this negativity out of our pore so we can concentrate on getting back to our King way of life. We all deal with stress differently & we all have diverse activities to release. Some of us like fishing or bowling. My favorite active to release stress is to hit the gym or writing. There are MULTIPLE ways to get it out of you if you are dealing with an issue that is able to be recovered from.

But what about the more serious unrecoverable mistake? Lets say you stepped out on your spouse & came home with an “oops baby” ! Or you get pulled over under the influence & lose you license that you need to keep food on the table. These are not kingly movements BUT we are human at dawn. These types of errors requires a more extensive type of recovery room. They say time heals all wounds which is true. You will be healed but you may not be healed in due time but you may not heal in the fashion you hoped for. All we can do ss come to terms with out poor decision in hopes to someday find peace. Be a man. Be an adult. Admit your mistakes to the younger eyes that may be watching. Fill them in on how you felt & what you were thinking in your moment of weakness. Just sharing your experience with a young god could prevent them from making such irreversible mistakes! As men its out job to raise our community LOX. Living Off Xperience!


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