Reading Red Flags
One of my new favorite sayings is “Learn to Read the Room!” What this means is be aware of what is going on in a room. (or a situation) A lot of citizens in our community are single & ready to mingle. No matter what avenue you meet your companion, be it online or in flesh, you STILL have to keep your 3rd eye open and read to room. When you are in tune to your surround, your god given talent of noticing red flags should immediately activate as you began reading the room.
Whenever we notice something isnt right in a situation, we say its time to address the elephant in the room. But the way I see it, if we pick up on these red flags day one, there will be no need to address an elephant on day 2. The hard part of meeting someone is you are NOT meeting them; but an imitation or representative of who they truly are. Even if they choose not to show their true personality, paying attention to red flags can prevent the emotional blow of unexpected heart pains.
When you meet that “special” someone, here are a few ways to assist you in reading the room. Humans are creatures of habit so watch out for patterns of unavailability. If they suddenly have phone issues or have to be off the phone after 10pm, could be a red flag that they are n9t being totally honest you. While out at dinner, you can determine what type of person you are dealing with by what they order and how they treat the restaurant staff. Play close attention to their diction or word annunciation. This, too, will show you the real side of an individual.
I can’t even lie. There are some beautiful & flawless women in our community. We are fortunate to have some of the sexiest eye candy on the planet . But lets not get caught up in the beauty and end up wasting time and energy on the wrong beaut! Keep you eyes open an be mindful of red flags.