The Irreversable Results of Swirling

One of my favorite memes is of the crying Michael Jordan face placed on an office worker claiming to have lied in his interview about knowing how to fully use Excel. When you pour lies into your resume, its similar to swirling multiple colors of sand into a single canister because if you change your mind, its IMPOSSIBLE to separate. Ok, that may not be the best example because once your new employer realizes that you are not fluent in Excel, you will be terminated but will have a new canister to start from scratch. Mixing lies with your work knowledge doesn’t result in a loss of life… but I know what type of swirling can.

The level of suicides during this global pandemic has been cringe-worthy. A simple Google search will reveal an influx of Blacks being hung & been deemed as suicides with little to no investigation. If I recollect correctly, there were 4 hanging within a week & they all were classified as self inflicted suicide. Anytime a Black American dies, their death is always justified & the victims have always “gotten what they deserve” . It’s never foul play; especially when the victim is murdered by someone of non color.

Queen Asia Maynard

Queen Asia Maynard Died Feb. 19, 2022

Our Queens are literally the least valued creatures on this planet. It pains me our Queens feel dating outside of their race is a better option. Disclaimer: I’m not debating anyones rights to cross interracial lines, I’m just here to bring awareness to an increase of deaths while doing so. A lot of folks will deflect my views by saying that Black men kill more Black woman than white men do. Because of how crimes work, this may be somewhat true. But when a Black man takes the life of one of our Queens, he’s investigated fully & will indeed serve time. With these new crimes of white men luring our Queens to their deaths via dating apps, murdering them in the most heinous of ways & end up walking away scott free. Tyron will spend the rest of his days in jail but Isiah Crown’s rarely even see a day in court.

I’m not going to dig too deep into the story of Queen Maynard. I will say that theses no way a healthy 29yr old mother of will that had no preexisting conditions can possibly die of natural causes after one date with a white guy. The spit to the face was how police knew our Queen was dead & never told her family when they called & reported her missing. On top of that, the murderous white man wasn’t even questioned or investigate. Google our Queen’s name or click one of the hyperlinks here if you need more detailed references of the story. Isiah Crown has been reported to have murdered other women but on one views him as a person of interest. I won’t dig being the surface yet. I want to state my argument that when our queens are murdered, limited effort & resources are spent while investigating. Not giving our community the same focus & energy that Gabby Petito received is racial insensitivity.

Queen Lauren Smith-Fields

Lauren Smith-Fields is another unfortunate case of swirling gone wrong. The racial insensitivity is jawdropping. Lauren went on a date with a white guy by the name of Matthew LaFountain. They connected on the Bumble dating app & agreed to meet IRL for a nice night on the town. Afterwards, the 2 returned to Lauren’s residence where they dozed off. The following morning LaFountain awoke to a non responsive Fields. He called 9-11 & her death was ruled an accident. Fields was merely 23 years old & was deemed healthy by family & friends. The investigators quickly determined Fields died of an alcohol, an unnamed prescription drug & fentanyl overdose. The case was closed & LaFountain was never questioned questioned on any role he may have had on her death. The department carelessly mishandled evidence & Queen Lauren never got justice.

Queen Brenda Lee Rawls

The Beautiful Brenda Lee Rawls @ Age 53

In the same city of Bridgeport, Connecticut & on the same night of the murder of Lauren Smith Fields, a 2nd case of racial insensitivity reared its ugly head. Another Queen died in the same fashion & she always received the same limited attention & investigating as the last Queen. Brenda Lee Rawls also went to see a man who lived near. I was unable to find any information on the gentleman so I can’t tie Ms Rawls’s case into the swirling but this is the perfect example of racial insensitivity. She was found dead in her apartment on 12-12-21 & her death was swiftly ruled as natural causes. Sisters of Rawls always stayed in close contact with her & reg flags went off when the sister never got a response from their beautiful sibling.

Brdgeport law enforcement NEVER notified the family. It was only when they went looking for answers when they were met with the devastating news. This truly raises an eyebrow for me & makes me question how many Queens have we really lost to foul play & no one cared enough for their Black lives to properly investigate & give our Queens the respect & justice they deserve.

Dear Kings

As protectors of our communities, we have to do a better job as a collective at showing our Queens the value of dating within our race. Treat them as the Queens that they are. Guide them if they go astray. Assist them in self healing while showing them that we genuinely care for their souls. Honoring & cherishing our women will kill any desire to peep over the fence & wonder if those greener pastures of artificial grass offers a better quality of man. Nowhere is my passage am I condemning swirling or getting to know other cultures & races. This keeps an open mind & could be a great learning experience. I just vehemently ask that IF you do decide to play the game, you will NOT get the Gabby treatment. SO just please be careful. As a collective, we all NEED our beautiful Black women to show us the power of Black Love.

I will end this by posted an interview with Asia’s siblings.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


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Banking While Black