These Jobs SUCK!


I’d say its safe to assume that 90% of Black Americans feel that their jobs suck. What exactly does it mean to have jobs that suck? Low wages? High stress levels? Long hours? Demanding upper management? Unrealistic goals? Business models that simply do not make any sense? By tossing a few of these suck factors into any hourly task is enough to drive us crazy. Our employers seem to specialize in handing us a tiny paycheck with a smile in exchange for our valuable time. Time is the most valuable resource on the planet & we can not run to our local market and pick up a dozen of it. The audacity of them to tell us what our time is worth. Show them your price tag & let them know your self worth.

My apologies for going off topic a bit. I was referring to the double entendre of when a job sucks. These jobs seem to be designed to suck away all of your energy, creativity and happiness. When your 9 to 5 extracts your soul from your body, you enter a dangerous state of functional comatose. You come home with elevated stress levels and deflated levels of enthusiasm & creativity to invest into your own passions. It’s rather sickening how these jobs exploit us from our God given talents that we should be using to lace our own pockets. They gulp you dry of all your will & happiness to the point that you can’t even capitalize on your own contentment.

This is not a post about maximizing your money to the point of financial freedom. I’ll be touching on that topic in depth later in the summer. This post is about working less hours & keeping the lights. There’s that double entendre again. Work enough hours to pay your utility bills & keep the lights on. Also ensure that once you punch that clock after your shift, you have enough power to maintain your mental lights on so you can illuminate your own abilities to craft your own Spiritual Fitness. Don’t let your job disconnect the power to your happiness!


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