Forgiveness Friday

The Art of Self Forgiveness


As Black people, we can be extra selfish at times. When people hear the word Forgive, the first thing that usually comes to mind is us being asked to forgive someone for some foul event that was directed at us. Let’s wash that type of forgiveness from our brain for a moment. While inspirationally living life, we need to focus our attention to the bull’s eye of self cleaning or self forgiveness.

After a long days work, we come home to a porcelain container to cleanse our bodies with warm water & refreshing soaps. But how many of us come home & relieve ourselves of the soil that contaminates our souls? An internal cleanse is just as important & vital as an external, physical rinse. Us as black people need to worship ourselves more as well as ask ourselves for Self Forgiveness!

Has there ever been a time you cut yourself short and missed an opportunity for greatness? This could be anything from not completing a college course or not taking a training for a promotion serious. We are all human & we all have missed the boat before. I can think of countless chances I’ve missed that could have landed me in a better position in life. Instead of sulking in these memories, cleanse them from your soul with Self Forgiveness.

Dear self, I forgive me for not taking education & bettering life skills more somberly. I ask that I forgive myself for being wasteful with commodities opposed to holding them in my possession for a rainy day. Please accept my forgiveness for fighting battles minute & running from brawls I should have fought. Despite my downfalls, I still worship & love thy self. And I will ALWAYS forgive thy self as well.


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