The Sadistic Statistic


Theres a YouTuber who was tossing this rhetoric around a few years ago that black people account for 14% of the population but we commit 50% of the crimes in America. That just mathematically doesn’t sound possible to me. There are SOO many self appointed lawyers, doctors, statisticians and life coaches on the internet. Please pay attention to the word “Self Appointed”! I’ll be the 1st to admit that I’m no statistician but I do have cognitive reasoning & the ability to ask the proper questions about mathematically incorrect information. The guy who was spreading this info wasn’t doing it in an informative fashion. He was touting & seems to find joy in his message. The new saying is “if its on the internet it MUST be true.” These stats are from the FBI’s website so once again; if its on the internet, it MUST be true. But with all the newly documented evidence exposing the corruption from police agencies, can you truly be convinced that the FBI’s finding are accurate?

I find it hard to believe that 14% is preforming 50% of all of American’s crime. It sounds far fetched but the evidence is in black & white. Here’s why it adds up on paper. If everything that black folks do is considered a crime, then I’m sure that irresponsible statistic is right. I saw a video a few months ago of 4 black youths riding bikes in Ohio. Supposedly there’s a law or ordnance that states you must obtain a license to operate a bicycle. A few police officers were harassing our youth & went as far as to confiscate their bikes. There was a white guy in the comment section who stated that the law was definitely valid BUT the cops NEVER enforce it because its so petty. But for some reason, they felt like enforcing it when it pertains to young black youths. Anything to criminalize black people.

If I commit any form of misconduct at my job, I do not have the luxury of investigating the accused offenses against me so why do police have the privilege to investigate their own wrong doings? When law “enforcement “ agents are called for minor incidents, are they labeling those deescalated matters as crime? “Good cops” love to slap an S on their chest when the perpetrator is a regular citizen but quickly lose their super powers when the criminal is wearing a badge. With the advancement of smartphones & dash cams, our always documented society is a gift & a curse. Police have been found innocent despite hours upon hours of footage of them terrorizing the citizens they are paid to protect. So can you honestly put any amount of faith or trust in a system that’s been known to pencil whip reports to lean in their favor?

Spreading this 14% to 50% misinformation is dangerous to all black men & women. After hearing an alarming stat like this & little Ms. Karen Whitebread is selected for jury duty, she’s instantly has it made up in her mind that an alleged black defendant is guilty without even hearing the details of the case. Or when Susie Whiteface feels the need to play hall monitor in a Walmart Parking lot & someone calls a LEO, upon arrival, they have their minds made up that the darker skinned culprit is the aggressor. This brings 12 year old Tamir Rice to mind. It was basically a drive-by shooting . As soon as the cops arrived on scene, fatal shots were fired. No verbal commands or even time enough to assess the area for danger.

On the surface, 14% of the US population is definitely implementing 50% of the crimes. Its when you start digging deeper & begin to filter facts from fluff that you discover that those misleading numbers are inflated to demonize an entire group. A white woman can commit drunken vehicular homicide & a whole homicide will not tarnish her record but 4 black children cycling without a license will prevent them from getting into the school of their dreams or disqualify them of the well paying job they are fully skilled for. So yes, 14% of us are indeed committing 50% of American crimes. Just like the internet, if the FBI says it then On God it MUST be valid. 😒

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


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