Love You Into Submission


In the movie Madagascar, Alex was a lion first by nature. Despite him having friends & a great heart, he found it near impossible to control his beastly instincts when times got tough. His “friends” became part of the menu once those hunger pains arose. No matter now hard he fought, his innate tendencies consumed him until he was able to overpower them & win life’s greatest victories. Self-control.

It’s been a huge debate for the past few generations about if a woman should submit to her man. I’ve heard arguments from both corners. Females vow that they would never submit to a man because it’s a sign of weakness. Men feel a woman should submit to them with little or no energy or effort on his behalf. To top off this already confusing debate, we have a 3rd contender…The females who are ready to submit but are bullied for their stance in the fight by women who do not care to submit. But let’s be clear here. To submit is NOT a sign of weakness nor are you giving up your self being! It takes faith, trust & strength & the willingness to simply surrender all your hurt, pains & uncertainties to a strong individual who has proven time & time again that they solely have your best interest at heart.

By definition, submit means to yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person. When crossing a street or parking lot, a woman should yield a bit while her man checks for cars & reassures her that the coast is clear. When things go bump in the night, a woman should surrender all worry to her man & let him firmly handle the front line. The object of chess ♟ is to protect the Queen, right? So Queens, empty your pockets of all agony & strain & submit those items to you King. As we excavate this topics, we discover more questions. “Who should a woman submit to?” “When do we know it’s time to?”

A Powerful Tweet From Tamorah Shareef Muhammad

A Powerful Tweet From Tamorah Shareef Muhammad

When you have a man & he’s on his throne… this is the answer to whom you should surrender to. When your King is a protector, a provider, offers physical & spiritual stability, is supportive, honors you, loves you, has your best interests in his heart & still find times at the end of his busy day to polish your crown; this is the man you submit your all to. Our Queens should be able to lay their heads at night & be fully rejuvenated in the morning knowing that her man got her.

Now when? Just like Alex the Lion’s innate instincts surfaced, the universe will you when its your time. Just like the above tweet correctly states, she will happily submit once all her needs are met & she’s secure in his circle. When a King is being his superior self & their kingdom is taken care of, a man will NOT have to beat on his chest & demand that she’s bow down to him. You will notice a smooth shift in power. No turbulence or resistance shall prosper during this transition. Actions are more comprehensible than hollow words & once a King puts his abilities in action, she will cheerfully hand him over the wheel.

Even outside of your kingdom we should always be diligent. I’ve had female co workers submit to me on a professional level. They trusted my choices during split second decision making. I was in-tuned with my team & could instantly determine what type of day she was having. I looked out for them & got the same treatment in return. Just as some attend church on Sundays then resume normal business on Mondays, being a figure of superiority never comes to a halt. You have to be your best self with each breath you take. Why beat her into submission when you can cherish, honor & love her into submission.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


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