The Extraction


I’m composing this while in unappreciable pain. We all have experienced the type of pain that reminds you something is wrong as much as you try to keep your mind free of it. Teeth play an important role in our survival. The foods we consume to nourish our temples are initially crushed by teeth. This is the beginning steps of digestion process. Just like friends, each tooth has a dash of diversity to distinguish themselves uniquely from one another. Having a particular purpose, each tooth works singular to form a system, or a team if you will, to complete the objective. But what happens when 1 tooth is unable to do his job without causing you pain? Pain is pain despite it being intentional or accidental. As leaders, we are designed to withstand a hint of discomfort but when that irritation becomes unbearable, it may be time to come to terms & face reality by making an irreversible decision. The Extraction.

I was always told that pain is our weakness leaving the body. Once we pinpoint which tooth is the culprit, we have to ask him to leave or physically have him removed. Who wants be subjected to more pain while already in pain? Believe it or not but some pain is beautiful when you view it through your 3rd eye. Teeth are vital for eating & forming speech. Extracting something from your world that you need WILL be painful…but the beauty of this discomfort is it will only cause pain 1 time…unlike the continuous hurt you have been experiencing.

Temporary self inflicted pain is better received than the on going torture from an uncontrolled source. If the element is needed or not; if its disrupting your peace & happiness, by all means it MUST go. For the surface dwellers, I am solely taking about teeth. For my true leaders who understand double entendres, plays on word and seekers of deeper meaning, I’m solely talking about life. So if you do have that job that’s disrupting your comfort or that friend/family member who no longer wants to be part of the unit, its time to extract them from your essence for the sake of your painfree sanity. Remember, seeing that pain being uprooted will indeed hurt. BUT it will only hurt once. Once that torment has been ripped out, its time begin with the process of purification to reinforce everything that I preach here. I want the I.L.L community to lead pain free, productive lives & smooth rides on the path of spiritual fitness.



Can You Deal With Damaged Goods?

