Can You Deal With Damaged Goods?


While grocery shopping oneday, I ran across a can of goods that sat lonely on a shelf with a few minor cosmetic imperfections. The dents were highly noticeable & the label was tattered a bit but there was something intriguing & interesting about this can. I picked it up to take a full inventory of its suffrage only to find out that the damages ran deeper than I initially suspected. A red discount tag was attached to the can. Its always beneficial to take advantage of a price cut but in this particular case, I could care less about saving a few nickels on an abused can. I was baffled on how someone could bypass on a wonderful commodity just because it came with a few deformities & disfigurements. I was not curious about the discount for my entire inquisitiveness was focused on the can. Its contents were still preserved & the nutritional value remained fresh. If the insides are unscathed & fresh, why do we put so much emphasis on appearance & presentation.

No one on the face of this planet is perfect. We all come with damages. Think about all the amazing people we shallowly missed out on when we do not take time to get to know someone. It takes an attentive leader to deal with a damaged person. Iron sharpens iron but on the flip side of the coin, hurt people hurt people. Listening to one’s story on how they became damaged is the first step to helping. Lead them an ear. Allow them to get their side of their experience off their chest. Get a full understanding on the cause of the damage. Knowing the backstory benefits both parties.

When dealing with defaced cans, be sure to handle them with care. I’ve seen too many of us reach for a rose & pull back a hand full of thorns. A dented container can puncture if not handled cautiously. Keep your total attention on the ways you handle them. Half of us get so focused on the trees that we miss the forest. The other half get so concerned with hacking away at diseased branches & never dawns on them to inspect the root. The root is always the starting point to lead them to the healing path. Who care if the damages are internal or external. The key to a healthy mental life is to seek professional help. You can lead a horse to water but you can not influence it to drink. But how can a professional benefit you if you don’t have faith in them & you don’t attend treatments. Its up to us to monitor the damaged & build confirmation that a professional’s care can help them construct acceptance on the damages that can not be repaired. The key ingredient is learning to living with the damages we can not change, repair the ones we can & putting less emphasis on the DAMAGES & fully focus on the GOOD!

☮️ I.L.L family 🌡


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