Some Beef is Everlasting

Former President Obama looks of regret after sipping unfiltered water from Flint MI

See me, I’m going to question EVERYTHING! Why do Army recruiters fight so hard & endorse for students right out of high school to join the military but refuse to let their own children enroll? If vaccinations are so safe, why are doctors able to decline their offsprings getting one? And during the Flint Water Crisis, why did Obama fake sip that leaded induced, polluted water knowing his American citizen are forced to bathe & cook with it daily?

I’m sure everyone has heard bits about the Flint Michigan water crisis. In my opinion, this story was not televised or reported on enough. But today’s topics is not about the poisoning of an American city. We are speaking on a conflicting topic that kind of goes against what your bible says. I’m fully aware that the Bible recommends forgiving thy enemies as a way of clearing our emotions but why are Black people conditioned to be extra forgiving?

I can NOT speak for everyone but I can hold a grudge with ZERO energy consumption & still get a great night of sleep. Simply put, some beef should be ever lasting. Disgruntlement toward voted in people should always remain on the surface. They were voted in by the people to do what is best for the people & lying to them & misleading them is totally unacceptable. I’m not singling out Obama but for him perform on stage & misinform the poor people of Flint was a smack to the face. OBama’s televised performance was anti American & anti BLACK. Flint MI I’m not playing the race card; I’m just stating the fact that Flint is a whooping 57% Black at the time of this post. I’m pretty sure its safe to assume this crisis had been more televised & has it occurred in Beverly Hills CA which is a mere 6% Black.

Racial Breakdown of 2019’s Flint MI Populace

Google other cities were a large presence of Blacks reside. Chicago. Baltimore. New Orleans. Whenever a tragic situation happens, city employees & voted in officials tend to drag their feet when it comes to assisting the very citizen that voted them in place. The audacity of Obama to look those lead exposed victims in the eye & lie to them about the rancid quality of the water while pretending to sip was uber sickening. That sip wasn’t enough to get the tip of his forked tongue wet. I’ll place the video below & allow you to be the judge of his mockery.

This deadly ordeal began when, for whatever reason, the city decided to change the source of water from Lake Huron to the Detroit River doing a budget cut. When you buy cheap, you buy twice. This piss poor decision to save a few bucks ended up costing tax payers more money & some even paid the ultimate price… death by poisons. Its almost election time fam. These candidate need you more than you need them. If you decided to vote, MAKE THEM EARN IT. If they can not give you a list of things that will enhance your community & improve your day to day living, DO NOT VOTE AT ALL. Stop being so forgiving at the polls. I’m sure in the near future someone affiliated with Obama will be begging for your votes. Remember how endangered an entire city & played on their intelligence by putting a cup of water to his face in attempt to pacify them.

Life is a situational series of events. Forgiveness is a huge part of reaching inner peace but not all infractions are forgiveness worthy. Hold these clowns accountable for their destructive actions & ensure they that will never hold office again they do not do right by the people. And when I say the people I mean MY people.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 



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