When Blacks Enlist In A White Man’s Military

A senior’s last year in school should be an exciting time These days should be spent planning & carefully making decisions to determine which route they want to take to arrive at their definition of the American dream. Some choose the workforce & some take the collegiate route. Opting for either of these options can be a temporary choice if a student decides they would like to take a secondary preference later in life. Another “career” path that’s available is the military. But do you feel a 17 year old fresh out of high school is adult enough to make a crucial decision like this? Joining the military is equivalent to joining a gang. You can’t wake up the next day & walk away by choice. Being a young adult comes with poor decisions & making dumb mistakes. This is the very reason school are crawling with sleazy military recruiters. Its uber sickening how a recruiter can legally coerce a young mind to join a branch while only the recruiter is benefitting.

The Recruiter:

Military recruiters are just as crooked as a car salesmen. They are highly trained to manipulate young minds into throwing their life away. When I was in school, a close friend of mines was interested in joining the Marines so I rode with him while he met up with a recruiter. All this foolish recruiter did was try to woo us with how much money his bank account held & how the military was going to make him a millionaire. 🥱 Most civilians do not know that recruiters work on a performance based quota & if he misses his goal, he’s sent back to active duty. So lies & unjust practices are used to manipulate & coerce kids into signing their lives away. I willing took the ASVAB (Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery) test because my friend did but I told the recruiter guy I was NOT joining no matter how impressive my test results were. Once my ASVAB results returned, my recruiter quickly congratulated my spectacular scores & let it be know that I scored so high that I could pick any job I wanted & would NEVER see a battle field. He pretended to be so concerned about my future & said that enlisting would benefit me but in reality, my membership would only benefit himself.

Military recruiters sniff out young & poverty stricken youth & sell them a few pounds of stir fried lies. If you seem poor, money is their bait. If you want to go to college, they will use free tuition as a bait. Ive even heard a recruiter tell a young artist that if he joined the military, the armed forces would finance his entire music career. Taking advantage of young black teens should be against the law but this is what the system wants. They want our future leaders to be broken & brainwashed, fighting another brainwashed soul from another country who has done nothing to them in the name of protecting a country that has done nothing to protect them. They love weak minded individuals who will swim seas for a country who woudnt’t clean up a cup of water for you. Check out this short video on how recruiters are being exposed for their lies & deceitful practices.

Army Private LaVena Lynn Johnson

Queen L. Johnson NOT private

Queen LaVena Lynn Johnson was only a baby. At the age of 19, when most teens are enjoying their lives, Queen Johnson was openly serving a country that was secretly planning to serve her. She was found in a tent (not in her barrack) after being attacked by American military personnel. She was discovered with a broken nose, a black eye, loose teeth, burns from a corrosive chemical that was poured on her genitals to mask the evidence of rape. She also suffered a gunshot wound. All these events gained little to no media coverage while stories like this deserves national attention. She was surrounded by members of the most powerful military presence on the planet & somehow our sister was murdered & the US Government classified this grotesque murder as a suicide. Queen LaVena joined the military to better her life & fight American enemies & in return, she was America’s enemy.


I have family & friends who have made a career out of the military. If you are one of the lucky ones, the military is a nice option. But 8 out of 10 Black soldiers are not so fortunate. Take a trip into almost any US major city & you will see homeless & limbless veterans by the multitudes. Other suffer from PTSD & are so medicated that they are unable to hold steady jobs or sustain a normal civilian lifestyle. Post military isn’t the only place where we don’t get fair treatment. Most Black soldiers are often bypassed by less qualified white soldiers. Higher rank in return means a bigger paycheck to build your future. Black soldiers fall victim to racism. Stories of waking up to nooses in their bunks & other racist material being left in the name “You can’t take joke?”

Its wise to always research to discover if any career path is cut out for you. There may be a handful of benefits to enlisting but there are truckloads of reason I wouldn’t recommend it. If you have Black youths that may be toying with the idea of defending America, please talk them out of it. It’s lunacy that one would willingly put their life on the line for a country that literally put our ancestors on a line & that continuously keeping up with the same evil antics. We are losing too many Black men to the prision system & too many Black women to our healthcare system & too many youth to the adoption system. Now we are burying our Suns, Moons & Stars behind a racist & murderous military system. I’m sure if time travel was an option, Dr. John Johnson (LaVena’s Dad that served in the Army) would NOT allow LaVena to pay the ultimate sacrifice with her life. So I’ll tell my iLL Community the same thing my uncle told me.. BLACKS HAVE TO PLACE OR NO BUSINESS IN A WHITE MAN’s MILITARY!

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


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