Train Them On Love


The universe gave us 2 ears, 2 eyes & 1 mouth because we are suppose to do 2 times more listening & watching than we do talking. This is also an important factor in holding a leadership role. You have to be taught before you can teach. Before you can train you must have been trained. Training is a situational based learning that prepares a trainee how to react to a said occurrence before it happens. Example. Employees who work on an assembly line are educated on how to correct a problem in advance. It would be lunacy to wait til a Machine is inoperable to want to direct someone on how to repair it. Being visually & audibly aware of a situation allows you to spring into action in case something doesn’t go as planned.

Love isn’t an on the job training but why must we figure out how to fix a relationship when it already showing signs of impairment? As constructive leaders & parents we must train our kids on what love IS & not what society says it should be. Love is forgiving, unconditional, entire & unlimited. An abundant love is more than buying tangibles & concrete items. Show a seed love by giving them directions. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make them drink. You’ll feel better knowing you did your part by passing that knowledge along. Be there for them and experience happy days and traumatic events with them. Ensure them that no matter how hard life punches them, you’ll be in their corner ready to console them or throw in the towel if things get extremely unsatisfactory.

Its a disservice to allow an offspring to wander blind into the world without knowing the slightest taste of love. Don’t offer them a plate; give them the recipe. As kids transition into young adulthood, love should not be an experimental drug but something they recognized without a doubt. In order to be loved, you must be trained on how to recognize love. Relationships are all diverse but the recipe of love is pretty much the same. Educate our youth to know how to recognize & then how to accept and digest it. Just like the machine worker, our babies need to be able to identify when something isn’t going right and have the tools & the skills to correct a relationship on the fly.


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