The Lapdog Syndrome

Hollywood has a fascination with the lapdog syndrome. They will spend so much time & invest millions of dollars to convey to you that Black mothers are unfit & that a Sandra Bullock has to come in a save the day. Something about white couples adopting Black children doesn't sit well on my stomach. If they are looking to adopt a child & happen to end up with a Black child is one thing. But when they contact an adoption agency with the sole intent of adopting a Black child truly gives me slave trade vibes. Like what do they look for in a Black child that makes them decide or reject them? I imagine the song How Much Is The Doggy In The Window going thru their head while going child to child determinin which one they will be taking home. So many questions arise like why do so many white adult look to adopt Black children & why are there not a lot of Black couples that adopt Black children? And how are so many Black children ending up in these adoption agencies?

In my popular blog post about why does so many Black women die during child birth, I touched on how a lot of our future leaders end up in adoption agencies. When a Queen loses her life giving birth, social services will more than likely place the new born with a stranger before placing it with other blood family. A very close friend of mines recently went through the ringer trying to adopt a child. Both him & his wife are Christian & both are gentle college graduates with no criminal backgrounds & the system made it near impossible for them to be awarded custody of the child they wanted to adopt from a mutual friend. The sad part was the judge was a Black female. 🤦🏾‍♂️ But this is a story for another day. Its like adoption agencies are handing over Black seedlings to white couples like halloween candy while scrutinizing Black couples.So much can go wrong & has gone wrong with these people taking in Black children & feeding their Lapdog Syndrome.

Some great advice is to NEVER acquire something that you are unable to maintain. How many times have you seen someone go for broke buying a foreign vehicle & is unable to cover expenses on maintenance? This is a similar scenario when whites adopt Black young ones. It sickens me to the core when I see a Black princess in public & her newly adopted parents have been using haircare products that was not formulated for Black hair. Or seeing these kids dressed in clothing not designed for their frames. I’ve recently seen photos online of Black boys wearing dressing & rocking bows in their hair. Black children are not lapdogs that you dress up at your leisure & parade around in public trying to role-play some slave-master fantasy. Even in the photo above, master is looking up & proud of her new puppy & the puppy dare not make eye contact with its owner!

This adopted Princess was not fed during a family outing.

The purpose of adopting a child is to give them a better life. How can you give a person a better life when they are not offered the same love & resources that others receive? The minor in the photo above looks unhappy, mistreated & not given the proper care she needs. Her white family has no idea how to care for Black hair. They even have her dressed as if she stepped out of the movie The Color Purple. The lady who noticed this heinous actives & documented this caught the backlash…not the child neglecting white parents. Just the look on her face explains how far she is from her sense of self. She has no idea what it means to be Black nor will she find it if she remains in this household. White family think that shielding their newly adopted kids from the Black experience is the ultimate benefit in creating an enriched life for them. Neglecting to give a soul the nourishment requited to flourish should be a form of 1st degree child abuse.

Just like our history was purposely hidden & destroyed, this is the same fatality these adopted kids are receiving. Being disconnected from self works as good as a television being disconnected from the power outlet. The kids go off to college & are lost. They may meet other Blacks when they go off to further their education & won’t know any thing about Black self or about Black pop culture. I ask our ancestors to watch over this princess for the entirety of her life. As lot of our future leaders were not fortunate enough to survive the grasps of lapdog syndrome.


White parents use Black adoptees as a way of showing they are NOT prejudice. Its similar to the, “I’m not racist, I have 1 Black friend!” rebuttal. A lot of white people may love their Black coworker or the little Black girl who works at Starbucks that “doesn’t act like the rest of them!” but has a strong dislike for Black folks in general. And with aid from the media, they are able to push this “I love 1 Black person so I’m not a racist” narrative. Being friends with 1 while hating an entire race indeed marks you as racist. The media circulated this photo around giving it a false sense of racism healing. The white mother intentionally dressed this child in a lapdog outfit fully equipped with accessories for a photo opportunity. This image was used to show Black people that cops are not bad people & are loving & you should not hate or fear them.One thing the media outlets did NOT do was use this photo on this poor child’s obituary.


The Colorful Hart Family

Just like buying a car, you have to be approved to adopt children. Are you able to house them & give them the space to grow? Are you able to feed & clothed them? The main objective to being an adopting parent is to remove the child from a bad situation & place them in a better suited one. The Harts, a white lesbian couple, thought it was a great idea to adopt 6 kids & drive them off a cliff. I’m pretty sure whatever situation these kids were in prior to this wasn’t as terrifying as falling to a death. People who were associates with the family stated that the kids were mistreat & were not able to do simple things around the house like laugh at the dinner table or wish each other happy birthday. Other reports from therapist & school personnel state that for punishment , the kids were not fed & repeated hit with belts until they had “oowees” on their backs stomaches. Only God knows what other brutal activities went on behind closed doors. The Harts actually pulled the kids from public schools due to being exposed and yet, no one questioned or followed up on the reported allegations. The adoption agencies should be held reliable for these deaths as well. 6 innocent children were placed with these wicked white women while well qualified Black couples get treated like criminals.

The inserted video shows exactly what these people are looking for. They love that false sense of accomplishments from taking care of something they feel is inferior. All the feeding scraps & petting Black kids like lapdogs needs to stop. I bet if an influx of Black parents wanted to adopt white kids, they would be fully investigated & turned away. Black families that are looking to adopt children should do anything in their power to adopt a prince or princess. The community members who are not looking to adopt should create Black Big Brother programs or other similar places to donate & help keep our children out of the homes of these sickos. They love to bring up the dangers of Chicago but will turn a blind eye to the organized crime connections these adoption agencies indulge in while handing over these defenseless children over to these ill intent excuse for parents. If you have any ideas on how we can limit our future leaders from becoming lapdogs, please comment below. Only our community can protect our children from these dangers of the lapdog syndrome.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


In Business While Black


Travel Tuesday: Navarre Beach