More Black Women Lose Life During Creation

Part of the life cycle is the start of a new life. This should be an exciting & glorious event where all parties involved can rejoice. The only concerns with giving birth should be the picking of a righteous name or planning the perfect baby shower. So much goes into inviting a child into this life. All the concerns of baby shower planning, completing the baby’s room & trying not the stress the baby should be the only cautions that come to mind. But there is a staggering statistic that every Black woman that’s considering bringing a chid into this life should be distressed about. The mainstream media will not inform you of this but Black Women are over 4 times more likely to die bringing new life into existence than their white counterpart. According to the CDC, the gap increased from 38 to 44 Black Queen in 2020.

Value per every 100,000

Calculation As of 2020

Selected Statistics

Any statistic that can give us negative undertones will be plastered all over the national media but you will never see the chart I’ve enclosed above on the news. The imbalance of these stats truly shines a spotlight on the medical industry & raises questions of how this is even possible. IF all women are created equally & receive equal & adequate care, we would not be conversing about this. There is a major disconnect in delivery rooms all across America. Some point out that pre existing conditions that Black women have may be the culprit. By default Black people have higher blood pressure so could this be a contributing factor? There is no reason why one of our Life creators should lose her life while being admitted into a building that’s designed to save lives. This logic is similar to taking a car to a mechanic for a routine repair only to be told that your vehicle is now totaled.

The Undervalue of Our Life Creators

In an article posted on sickening discoveries were brought to the forefront. A section of the article suggests that the mortality gap has little to do with preexisting conditions & pregnancy complication & more to do with the lack of care. "Basically, Black women are undervalued. They are not monitored as carefully as white women are. When they do present symptoms, they are often dismissed." says Dr. Ana Langer. (director of the Women and Health Initiative at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.) This is where systematic racism shows its ugly head again. How can so many hospitals employ doctors & nurses that intentionally neglect the care of a Black woman solely because of the color of her skin. Misdiagnosed illnesses, early release & simply a lack in the interest in keeping Black woman alive is the true reason why that gap is continuing to increase year after year.

Closing The Gap

We know this system wasn’t created in our favor so we must be diligent & go in with a game plan if we are going to decrease the gap & increase our population to more than 14% in America. Here are a few tips we need to implement in order to stay alive while delivering.

  1. Request a Black doctor if at all possible

  2. Hire a Black Doula

  3. NEVER go into a health facility alone. Always take a close friend or family member

  4. If #1 & 2 are not an option, STAY ON THE NURSES. Make them do their jobs

  5. Report any misconduct or attitude to Texas HHS Remember: You are paying for a service . You are a customer

As a community, it’s up to all of us to educate & spread knowledge & resources to each other to keep us alive. We can only do this in unison. There is no reason why an expecting mother should walk in for something common as child birth & end up being wheeled out. This also poses more questions. What happens to these innocent Black offsprings? Its heart crushing enough to know the prison system is filled with our men & it hurts even more to know our Black youth are filling up adoption agencies. It reminds me of a slave trade on how white family come in to adopt & basically pick the one they want as if they are selecting a lapdog from a pet store window. We have a stay on our toes if we are going to decrease the gap & rebuild our Black household & communities.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


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