Detrimental Advice That Will Stunt A Child’s Growth

As parents, its our duty to nurture our youth & make sure we guide them down healthy paths. I know you can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink. Being that a “Child Care For Dummies” book doesn’t exist, we have to use an al carte style of parenting. Each child has their own personality so what nurtures one offspring may not nourish the next one. Old school values are great to instill in a child but some old fashioned parenting practices should be revamped. While giving your young ones guidance, here are 3 things you should NEVER tell a child.

Children Should Be Seen & NOT Heard

Telling a child they should be seen & not heard was one of the phrases that was laid upon us. Not allowing a child to have a voice only creates communication issues. Allow your babies to respectfully tell you what they are feeling so they won’t contain bottled up anger & emotions that they will carry into relationships. I know a LOT of our Black men & women who have complications with communicating & simply conveying meaning of a discussion. Condition our future leaders to speak freely while making confident eye contact. We all have witnessed balloons when too much air builds up & goes untreated

Verbally isn’t the only way to be heard. There are a plethora of activities to assist in releasing emotions & expressing a feeling. Painting a portrait releases creative energy & delivers a message with the same clarity as verbally delivering a message. Jogging, cooking, fishing or writing are other alternative to verbally getting things off a child chest.

Remain Emotionless

This one is mainly directed towards parents who are raising boys. Its rather toxic to tell a boy that men do not cry. Crying is a child 1st form of communicating with their parents. Since infantry, weeping is used to catch attention, alert an adult that a discomfort needs to be addressed & soothe . Imagine the destructive thoughts that can sprout inside a young boy’s mind while trying to understand the world thru a child’s eyes & now he’s told to remain emotionless & its not manly to cry. This child will struggle through life dealing with negative pinned up energy & the first relationship he’s get into will most likely fail due to his inability to release his emotions. We all want our kids to be successful but we are virtually setting our babies up for failure when you condition them to be cold & emotionless.

The Construction Of Restrictions

Children are just as curious as they are innocent. It’s a beautiful thing to experience an adventurous child safely explore an area. Lets our future leaders hold & tinker with harmless household items. This builds motor skills & their willingness to explore. Continuously telling a child “NO” & “STOP” constructs restrictions & when its time for them to leave the nest, they won’t go as far in life. Its a breath taking experience watching break down barriers & doing so at a young age conditions them to continue that path. When a young being is accustomed to a certain attribute, those life lessons will be a tool for them to build a better life.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


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