Black Preservation


Its no secret that society has 2 different rulebooks. When it comes to preserving our communities, we have to be extra careful how we move. I never grew up around firearms & I’m kind of embarrassed to say that I was in my late 30’s when I was introduce to them. It’s better to have protection & not need it than to need it & not have it. Firearms are an inanimate item that are practically harmless until in the hands of a hero or a zero. They can either be a tool or a weapon. It just depends on the handler. Guns do not get bored & just got off for shits & giggles. When danger arises or when you are faced with a life-threatening event, a gun in the right hands can equalize the situation. Imagine 63 yr old Lola being attacked by a 300 lbs male. Theres no way Lola can take down this threat with her bare hands. Her Smith & Wesson gives her a fighting chance to live to see the next day.

Gun laws vary from state to state but in Texas, you do not need a license to purchase a firearm. Just waltz down to your local gun store or sporting goods store & simply buy it. But with this type of power needs to come an equal amount of responsibility. Here are 3 essential tips that will help you become a safe gun owner.

  1. Learn your state’s ever changing laws

  2. Learn the 4 basic firearm rules

  3. Get Insurance.

An easy way to get caught up is by not knowing your state’s gun laws. In some states you can not transport a loaded firearm & in some states you can carry it loaded but forbidden to use hollow points.You can stand your ground in some & have a duty to retreat in some. A lot of law abiding citizen become criminals over night by possessing a high capacity magazine that was just legal to retain just 24 hours ago. Also, be careful when reading laws. The legal jargon can be overwhelming & can be easily misconstrued. There are tons of resources out there to help filter the fluffy from the info.

Now that you’ve purchased your shiny new toy, you have to know how to handle it.I advise you learn the 4 basic gun rules (not laws) before you lock & load it at the range. Treat EVERY firearm as if its loaded. Never point your weapon at anyone or anything you are not willing to destroy. Even when its empty & you are cleaning it, NEVER jokingly point a gun at anyone. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to use it. You can easily find videos online on the proper way to handle a firearm. Lastly, know your intended target & what’s beyond it. If ever in a self defense situation & you strike an innocent bystander while stopping a threat, you are fully responsible & liable face anything that comes after that. This is why is very important that we train. Training will allow you to expect the best but will have you prepared for the worse if it ever comes your way.

Just as with any type of insurance, you do not need it til its time to need it.In the event you have to use your weapon in self defense, companies like USCCA are there. They have partnered with lawyers in every state to handle everything while you get through this difficult situation. They will cover your bail, court costs, loss wages from your job & even firearm replacement. I know I don’t have $2M sitting around. Along with those hosts of features, you get tons of video training from some of the best instructors in the Industry.

We all pray that we never have to protect for family & neighborhoods with deadly force. But sometimes we have to pick guns up in order for a threat to put theirs down. In some cases, brandishing a weapon can put a threat to rest. There are also less lethal ways to fight off an enemy. Your hands or even pepper spray are great alternatives.At the endow the day, we all just want to make it home to our loved ones & preserve our live so we can continue to make memories with the people we love.




Be Sure Of The Purpose