A Leader's Perspective On Crab In A Barrel Mentality


We all have been there! I’ve seen so many souls describe our community’s mentality to crabs in a bucket. It’s usually used when someone feels someone is hating on them or wishing bad fortunes on them. Its irritating when you are working towards a goals with all the powers invested in you & someone who looks just like you undercuts you & tosses a kink into your plans. If you have never seen crabs in a barrel, they make every attempt to free themselves & once one makes it atop the pile, a “hating” crab uses his pinches to grab you & pulls you back down to their level. All of that hard work, progress & energy has been used in vain. 😩

But let me ask the crabs on top something? How did you obtain that top position? Some may have worked hard to get there while others may know people who can get them places. Sometimes in life its all about who you know & not so much about what you know. There’s another crab I would like to address. The crab who was in the middle & pulled his brother down to achieve that higher status. Karma is real & it baffles me how an adult can victimize a fellow community member but transitions into a victim when someone returns that foul favor. We are all individuals who are responsible for our own success & survival but our community is only as strong as our weakest comrade. Are you implementing strategies to spread knowledge on how we can get more out opposed to solely concentrating on your own survival? And what happens when you use your citizenry as a footstool & you make it out the barrel. Now you are all alone.

So we are in this system they call the barrel. How are we suppose to conduct ourselves? Are we not suppose to latch on to any thing that may aid us in leveling up to free ourselves from the dangers of the barrel? You can practice a fire drill daily & totally forgot all lessons & lose all composure when a real fire breaks out. A BARREL IS NOT OUR ORIGINAL ENVIRONMENT. Its normal for any creature to act out of character in a foreign land. Its lunacy how a cop can tase a man & expect him to hold still & comply! Somewhere along the way, some of us have picked up this weird mindset. Have you ever paid witness to a lion in a zoo? A lion looks so depressed while on display because he’s not able to reign supreme as he would if ee were in his natural habitat. You can't expect a normality when you are not dealing with normal circumstances.

Its time we stop pointing fingers at each other. Blame the system for placing you in the barrel & not your brethren that’s experiencing similar situations that the system forced upon y’all. We can only excel as a collective for there’s strength in numbers. 2 heads are indeed better than 1. We need to sit down with our community so we can build up our communities. A strong leader builds stronger households & stronger households constructs powerful communities.

🤎🖤Black Love ✊🏿 Black Power ☮️ Black Peace to my 🌡 Community. 


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